[color=9e0b0f]"Quiet right up until someone starts shooting at us. We also might want to avoid another hallway of statues, you know, considering the track record with those so far..."[/color] Whether Stukov was making light of how the first encounter with the statues that came alive to try and attack, murder, or do worse to the retinue and its members, or was somewhat miffed on how that turned out still due to outside interference that, while Sis could not have known what she was walking into, did not really change the fact that it had happened. It was done, though, so he was unable to go back in time and fix the problem or prevent it from happening at all. He had heard out the briefings and discussion, and had little to add towards the plans. He had no idea how to safely involve the Sisters of Battle without rumbling the intentions of Boss, and frankly, he would rather they kept out of the work unless things clearly went to hell, and he wished that had no chance of being literal. As the Valkyrie landed, and the rear hatch dropped, Stukov was already on his feet and heading down the ramp, scanning his surroundings and looking for any possible threats, obvious or subtle. Once he was as sure as he could be, he spoke back to the retinue through his comms, rebreather worn again. [color=9e0b0f]"We're clear out here, Boss. I'll take point, let's hit this factory and hopefully figure out something fast."[/color] Stukov would wait for the group to disembark before taking the lead, heading for the factory at a deliberate, but not too rushed of a pace. They wanted to blend in and be subtle about their approach, so no sense acting like a military unit being disembarked from their transport to raid a given location. Speaking of subtle, Stukov brought up his question on the use of a Valkyrie to drop them off close to the Factory and yet remain subtle about it. The transports weren't always the quietest craft used by the Guard or Navy, and unless the factory was running its heavy industrial equipment, he was concerned about any squatter heretics, criminals, rebels, or worse hiding in the silent, abandoned ruins of a factory. Either way, though, he spoke as an aside to Boss, keeping it over the comms though. [color=9e0b0f]"So, for subtle, landing a Valkyrie and disembarking like a raid team was subtle, sure as sure. Hope the factory equipment was running, sharp ears might have heard otherwise."[/color]