Create-A-Hero VATROU's Mystical Lore and Character thread: AKA I write way too much [url][/url] Character you have created: Eva ‘Mouse’ Walsh Alias: Pendragon [url][/url] Speech Color whatever color (00aeef) is? Character Alignment: Hero in training Identity: Secret/Known Will be known later, to start it’s a secret. Character Personality: Eva is a troublemaker, who likes to party. She has dropped out of Highschool and is active on the rave scene. She shirks her chores and has an estranged relationship with her parents. Now after a tremendous weight has been placed squarely on her shoulders she begins to question her life choices which marks a turning point in her life. She will soon learn that there is more to life than partying as she searches for clues regarding the identities of the Murderers who killed her friends, while she grieves over her loss. Uniform/costume: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Origin Info/Details: After Breaking into the American Museum of Natural History, via a borrowed key card. Eva and her friends surprisingly had a easy time setting up for a Flash Rave something that would only last thirty or so minutes before the Police were able to mobilize. However the real reason the Museum was quiet was because Eva and her friends were not alone, masked thieves had already killed the guards and began stealing ancient artifacts. Eva who tried to protect herself reached for what appeared to be a fossilized relic. Upon blocking the attackers who had gotten what they came for fled, and the stone which entrapped the sword crumbled to the floor. Where a Ghostly figure revealed the sword to be the Legendary Excalibur. Hero Type (Select one): Normal Power Level (Select one below): It’s really a combination of the two. The sword is only as good as the wielder and although mystical the wielder is only human. A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil) B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops) Powers (Be Specific): The Sword Excalibur is endowed with a variety of powers, It can cut any man-made object barring any alien or otherworldly materials. It will blind foes upon it being drawn from it’s sheathe. It is nigh unbreakable by any weapon forged by man, with the exception of other mystical weapons and those not from earth. Save for those as strong as Icon or Cosmic forces such as Umbraxis or Magic of the same tier. Enough World class magic should also break Excalibur if it sustains constant blows. Anything less than say someone of Thanos' might or Umbraxis should not break Excalibur in a single strike. Excalibur being a Legendary weapon, sometimes said to be created by the Lady in the Lake, or given to her after being forged by a Dragon. Which if Dragons did exist would be on par with Cosmic beings. They created a Legendary sword after all; presumably so. I could probably say the metal by which Excalibur is forged from could have come from the scales of a Dragon. Which being a cosmic creature would have properties all their own; say near Adamantium/Vibranium levels of durability but not quite there. Maybe a weaker version. You get the gist. The sword also grants enhanced speed (Olympic runner or Olympic Fencer level.) The sheathe itself has powers as well, giving the wielder the ability of temporarily invulnerability, the wielder can be injured but will not bleed from wounds, nor can they be dismembered. And in case the wielder needs to recall the sword it, the sword will chose its owner, much like that of Mjolnir (should they be worthy) Even if Eva were to allow someone to borrow Excalibur they must meet that requirement. That's not to say the sword cannot be stolen from her, the thief just won't have any of the buffs or magical (cut anything) enhancements. That and it still can be recalled by it's owner (Eva) at anytime. Meaning one must knock her out, or use Magic! To prevent her from recalling it, or something along those lines. Attributes (Select one at each category): Strength Level: Normal Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human Agility: Normal Human Intelligence: Below Average Fighting Skill: Untrained - In training Resources: Minimal Weaknesses: She’s Human, although she is immune to dismemberment and bleeding. Fire will kill her, so too will poison, drowning et cetera. Supporting Characters Her estranged parents Reuben and Amber Walsh, and her Aunt Briley Patton. And her diseased friends Julius ‘Rave Master’ Sloan, Leon Hurst, and Shari Conway. Smiling Sampson. A Lex Luthor/Handsome Jack like character. Who hates Meta Humans, and thinks Humanity should be top dog. He's also a grade A jerkbag, who is Evil and insane even. Not madhouse insane but the world is out to get me insane and I need all the power I can get. My idea for him is that he has a anti Meta Human Riot Squad that has various talented individuals and a Mech unit. Think something like this. [url][/url] Though more Civilian friendly, and less Pacific Rim war-machine. Oh and here's a link to the artist drawing so he can get the credit. Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yup. Other Notes. Those who can see ghosts. Angel can probably detect him with his sensors on the ATD; VKTR-17 can definitely see him, and piece together who he is. Uskri can see him, bind him to him (if he says yes), and converse freely with him. War-Pulse may be aware of supernatural energy surrounding Eve, but won't be able to identify it as anything other than energy. Umbraxis can absolutely see and identify it.