[@Arty Fox] For Roan, is he using a wheelchair to move around? A ten foot long tail would need some special considerations, bear that mind. [quote=@Arty Fox] a damp shit if he’s been above [/quote] I'm sure you meant shirt. Both characters are accepted. ------------------ [@Aspen Wren] Oh look something fuzzy for Bastien to cuddle. Accepted. ------------------ [quote=@Turboshitter] Hmmm... don't you think we should all be in the same class? These classes are gonna be awfully small if we don't. [/quote] [quote=@KaiserElectric] I agree, we should probably be in one class or at least be split between two of them with regular intermingling. :P [/quote] Most of the RP will not be spent within class, but rather after the class period. This is mostly because it would be exceedingly difficult to interact with each other during a class period *what with the not being able to talk without the teacher getting involved, listening to lessons, etc etc* If you're worried that such a separation will cause difficulties interacting, don't worry: Everyone's in the same dorm building. But I'll change it if enough people think being in the same class is preferable. ----------------- [quote=@KaiserElectric] Somehow I get the feeling we might have a shortage of male non-humans at this school. [/quote] Currently it's even? --------------- [@Termott] Accepted, looks good *yay another bird* ---------------- [@Vrrak] Yes and no. Obviously such beings have some degree of magic. Making an illusion casting magical fae dragon that hurls fireballs and casts magic missile is a no. Something with shape changing abilities or INCREDIBLY weak illusions would be acceptable. ------------------ [quote=@Pyromania99] I just noticed . . . But your pic is broken Spawn. [/quote] Yeah, it works for like an hour then stops. I need to fix it at home, my work computer is all like "IMAGES?! HERE!? SECURITY BLOCK, BAN EVERYTHING, EVERYONE DIES, PURGE THE DATABASE!" EDIT: Fixed it, finally.