[@Arty Fox] Zesiro forced his feet through the snow. "Whelp... We were assigned to find MOON, you might not have heard of them. They are another TRIDENT team, like MERCY and TIGER, but the specialize in top-secret-undercover-investigations..." Zesrio didn't know how much Charles had been briefed already. "Either they got in too deep, or, got dead. They have been absent too long. Long enough to worry over. Sent us after 'em." They were getting close to the castle, Zesiro had to start avoiding the broken bits of castle and piles of flame. The source of the strange flame was no longer a mystery. Had the dragon burned through everything? Destroyed all evidence? Where the hell did it come from? No time for questions... He swallowed hard and continued to explain. "Trail lead us to a city south of here when Gemma felt a... [i]Disturbance in the force[/i]... Radiation rlare... Whatever. We thought it might be related. Even if it wasn't it was worth investigating. So we trudged up this damn forsaken mountain." "We split up to cover more ground. I found these guys... like Mr. Phaser over there... They all seem to have amnesia, or their all lying. I'm not sure. We have not really had any time to properly interview or interrogate anyone. Or collect any evidence..." "We had called TIGER to let them know our location in case we needed back up. Twain told them to stand down until called... Looks like Roz didn't listen. That's no surprise." The casual use of the nickname, [i]Roz[/i], would confirm that Rozalind, the 'Den Mother' of TIGER, had indeed worked closely with Zesiro in the past. He spoke of her with much more familiar inflection than he had heard anyone in TIGER speak of her. They regarded her with respect, reverence, and a touch of fear. Zesiro didn't fear or revere her. He rolled his eyes as he spoke her nickname. "Now we are high tailing it back. Team-leader-Twain should be in this thing somewhere..." [@The Bearded One] The dragon turned its head upward, drops of molten metal and fire fell from its mouth like lethal drool. It took into the air, the energy from the weapon dashing across its scales, rattling its being. It did not fall. It shrieked in pain, it was the loudest and highest pitch sound the beast had made yet. The snow on the mountain tops rumbled, somewhere far away there was an avalanche, the people in the nearby cities and towns heard it, or, felt very uncomfortable for no good reason... It went up... up... circling up up up... trying to get out of range, trying to get away from the thing which caused its pain. [@Viridity] Twain regarded Vata, only looking concerned for a second before launching into a rather cheerful explanation[@jdh97]. "Erm... A plane is a big machine with wings. It takes you up into the air! Some are small and just carry one or two people, some are really big and can carry... I dunno... hundreds of people. TIGER I think has some sort of modified cargo plane... She has... I dunno... Thirty on her team? I'm not sure, I like to nap during the real important meetings." [@jdh97] As the others began to rush down the tunnel, Herbert hesitated, he was not as alone as he seemed. Bisbee, whom had been quite quiet for quite some time, made the softest of [i]*click-clacks*[/i] in Herbert's ear and pressed its beak behind his ear. That boney nose was colder than the air around them. What would have been an affectionate gesture by any living pet was unsettling when performed by the impossible bird. [i]*click-clickity-clack*[/i] Louder now, more urgent. It was a warning. Herbert and Bisbee were not alone...