[hider=Solan Bystrom] Name: Solan Bystrom Gender: Female Age: 16 Race: Valkyrie Appearance: [img] http://oi59.tinypic.com/1zbyv0z.jpg [/img] Solan has a rather boyish as well childlike appearance, appearing more like she’s twelve than her real age. She’s five foot even, being on the scrawny side that would be ideal for flying. However, her wingspan is about eight feet as well covered in soft grey down feathers, making her unable to fly for the time being. Her outfits consist of baggy comfortable clothing such as hoodies, t-shirts, and jeans. Before school started, she managed to buy more modern clothing compared to the traditional robes of home. Personality: She’s reserved and doesn’t enjoy the company of many people. She often doubts herself and lack confidence in her actions. Solan is from a hidden tribe in Norway, home to her kind, and as a result, she’s lived a sheltered life away from humans. Ever since she was young, she’s lived in the shadow of her mother and sisters. All of them being successful Valkyries who take on the noble job of guiding souls to Valhalla. Compared to them, she’s rather pathetic in means of skill, being awkward and clumsy rather than sharing their gracefulness. Her main goal upon her time at the school would be to somehow live up to family's high expectations. Quirks: - Much like a bird, when she’s stressed, she sheds feathers. -Can be seen talking to birds, and seems to understand them or at least pretends to. -She has a bit of a Norwegian accent -She’s not good with modern technology. [/hider]