[quote=@Silent Observer] Shall we throw an interest check out then? It's been two months since the GM showed up, I'd be willing to take the reins if everyone else is cool with it. [/quote] I am fine as well with it. I would offer to help, sadly I think it wouldnt be a good idea until I am back in the city with a stable internet and power. ^^; p.s. On a previous topic, I dont really have theme songs for my characters but I do have songs that fit them in the moment. Or songs that fit them for specific situation. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD1DuBKxV-4&index]This songs fit Dan a lot at the moment[/url] [url=http://lyricstranslate.com/en/ljubav-mi-srce-mori-my-heart-wants-love.html]If you are interested in the translation[/url]