[b]Name[/b] Ved [b]Faction[/b] Demon Lord [b]Species[/b] Siren [b]Gender[/b] Agender [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d8/9a/c9/d89ac95596ff5816ff42a209f0236f75.jpg[/img] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1c/0c/1e/1c0c1ea1205f7b5bb438675b6ddac576.jpg] (Sleeves) [/url] [b]Personality[/b] Ved is definitely known for how relaxed he is, how patient and understanding he can be with anyone, regardless of race, creed, or religion. He rarely get's upset, but when he does it's noticeable, and terrifying. He's the type that will explode, but has a VERY long fuse, and not many things can light it. Besides his relaxed personality, he also has sever depression and anxiety, both of which he keeps under wraps very well, but the depression effects him the most. As an Asexual Incubus, he's rarely healthy. [b]History[/b] Growing up in the darker sides of town, he knows the area well, and knows the ins and outs of the people and their motivations. So far, the only humans he's encountered are either after money, sex, or love. None of which interest him, and all of which, except love, he finds completely pointless and disgusting. His parents were a human father and a succubus mother, obviously making him half incubus, and a member of the Demon Lord's Ranks. He isn't particularly interested in being a part of it, but given his ignorance on the subject he doesn't feel like he has much of a choice. [b]Skills[/b] A talented artist, as well as a locksmith. [b]Magic[/b] Emotional Influence. As most other Sirens, he has the capability to influence the general attitude of a person within a 3 yards of him. Can be used to pacify aggressors, or influence passion among anti-romantics.