[center][h1][b]Name:[/b] Rune Weiβ-Schwarz[/h1] [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Position:[/b] Master of Disguise [b]Appearance/Clothing: [/b] [hider=True appearance] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/4708/i/2015/251/3/0/takuya_meditating_by_kopianget-d98vb0g.png[/img] Minus tattoos [/hider] [hider=Usual appearance] [img]http://i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj553/ZU1990/MarcusVega_zpse6a183f5.png[/img] Doesn't smoke [/hider] ^Usually these clothes [hider=Occasional female appearance] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/f911/th/pre/f/2015/255/b/0/commission___touch_of_spring_by_rosuuri-d99afzv.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] [/center] [list] [*]Master of disguise [*]Jack of all trades (Basic knowledge of everything with experience in many fields.) [*]Deception [*]Diplomat [*]Language skills (Can learn languages quickly, speaks mainly English, German, Chinese (Mandarin)) [*]Recon [*]Stealth [*]Melee (Knife and fist) [*]Athletics [*]Gun combat (Pistol) [*]Investigate [/list] [center] [b]Crimes Against The Alliance:[/b] Impersonating many different figure heads (Boy was it a fun) Stealing crucial information [b]Additional Information:[/b] [/center][list] [*]Gets his knowledge from reading books, but does not usually retain expert information for long periods of time [list] [*]Occasionally will remember expert knowledge in some random field for long periods of time, such as Neurosurgery, usually useless in most situations [/list] [*]Has had jobs pretending to be different types of doctors, a mechanic, weapons engineer, pilot, heads of government, mercenary, and even a companion [*]Usually dresses up in a suit and disguised because he doesn't want people to identify him [*]Occasionally dresses up as a female to practice mannerisms, speech and tone (Also to make fun of other men) [*]Easily embarrassed when not disguised in some shape or form [*]Can mimic voices and body movements [*]Has fun pretending to be someone doing something that they would never usually do [/list] [center] [b]Weapons:[/b] [/center][list] [*]Knife [*]Pistol [*]Hand-to-hand combat [/list] [center] [b]Possessions:[/b] [/center][list] [*]Chemistry set for making dyes and perfumes, etc. [*]Sewing kit and material for making clothes for disguises [*]Make up, masks, fat suits, fake skins, etc. [*]A pendant with a photo [/list] [center] [b]Personality:[/b] When Rune is disguised, he is more confident and more outgoing, unless the 'character' he needs to play is otherwise. Since he is usually disguised anyway, he is 'normally', a little sophisticated, and kind. He is reliable and always remains calm. His speech displays maturity and wisdom. He upholds himself with dignity and in a manner that says he would speak of justice, although he rarely mentions anything to do with justice. On the other hand, when he is not disguised, he is a meek and shy. Unable to speak up much, he usually keeps a distance from others. Not getting closer than needed to them. Unsociable and usually looking down, it would seem he was a completely different person. He does however find it fun to observe people. Finally, in his occasional female disguise, he ... she? is enigmatic and flirtatious. Always having some sort of fun. [b]History:[/b] The master of disguise, Rune, was abandoned when he was a child, left with a simple pendant, with a photo of someone he does not recognise, but keeps close. Abandoned on the street, a rich nobleman by the name Weiβ-Schwarz, appeared and took him in. There was a reason the nobleman took him in, it was because of the resemblance to his own son. His son was very arrogant and disrespectful. Weiβ-Schwarz took in Rune to have him be his son's body double and give himself a respectable image. Rune had therefore trained in learning mannerisms and body language, speech mimicry of the boy he was to act as. Then act as a version of the boy that was respectful and honorable. In doing so, he was treated like he was the son. As time passed, the boy had practically taken over the son's role, and was even considered to be the one to become the heir. However, the real son was not pleased. Suddenly rumors were spread, the son was ruining the family image, committing larceny and many other crimes. Weiβ-Schwarz was considering to have his own son 'removed'. That was when Rune decided he should leave, and let the family affairs clear up. Going out, he committed larceny in front of many people, before taking off a mask and wig and running off. The Weiβ-Schwarz family was cleared of the rumors. The real son was not as respectful and honorable, but he had started to take his right as heir more seriously. This lead to Rune being free from his disguise, and let him assume more disguises. Many years followed, and he has been disguising, infiltrating and stealing information for various groups of people to make a living. He is even renown for his imitation of Alliance head figures who, on television, went naked and gave a speech about love and puppies. That was one job he had fun with. People did not realise what was going on until a image of his mask being taken off was found. He became known as a master of disguise and continued on many other jobs after that. [/center]