Info -- Alias: Qa'Ra (Name derived of two suffixes, Qa means Unknown and Ra Great leader) Name: Farry Race: Khajiit Archetypes: Monk Major skills: Acrobatics, Cool, Hand-to-Hand, Rumors, Athletics, Vigilance, Intimidate Exp : 0 Stats -- STR: 2 (Bought 1) END: 1 AGI: 3 INT: 1 WIT: 3 PER: 3 Skill ranks: Acrobatics 2 (Racial+Major) Athletics 2 (Class+Major) Hand-To-Hand 2 (Class+Major) Cool 1(Major) Vigilance 1 (Bought) Intimidate 1 (Bought) Talents: Grace 2(Passive Ranked) Toughened 2(Passive Ranked) Feral Strength 1(Passive Ranked) Pressure Point(Active) Eye Of Fear(Active Racial) Eye Of Night(Passive Racial) Combat Stats Soak: 4/4 (Str+Grace) Wounds: 15(10+End+Toughened) Strain: 13(10+Wit) Magicka: 13(12+Int) Equipment-- Armour: None. Clothes: White cloth pants and hooded vest Weapons: Steel Knuckles Other: 1x Backpack 1x String of Wood and Bone Prayer Beads (Carves new beads out of the bones of opponents worthy of remembering.) 1x Potion of Restore Wounds 1x Rope 1x Iron Carving Knife (Not necessarily for combat...but can't set out adventuring without at least something to cu your meat, right?) Gold: 23 Septims Magic -- None Background -- Born under the mark of the so called [i]Triple Moon[/i], Farry was designed from the get go to become the future Mane. But as the current Mane couldn't fathom relinquishing his power just because a newborn was whelped on the night of the Aligned Moons. Sensing treachery the Clan Mothers decided too protect the future heir to the role of Mane. With saddened hearts they gave a different child up to be slaughtered so the heir could be thought dead. Hidden in a monastery of S'rendarr, a deity known to most all of the other races as Strendarr. While the Khajiit as a race still believe him to be the God of Mercy, Monks of this race consider him the God of Tough Love. Mercy being given out in numerous ways, from handouts to punishments. Nothing is excluded. Years later, he'd grown up leaving aside his true name. He downed the title left to him by the Clan Mothers as a sign of his future coming to power. Qa-Ra. Even so he lived in a world where only one Mane may live. His options limited between cropping his mane off and live a life of relative safety, or keep it hidden under the hood and lead a life of constant danger. As of late he has finished the training imparted on all Monks and it was time for him to travel the Continent in search of true enlightenment. Thus coming upon the quest of visiting Skyrim. Decided to keep his mane since Khajiit where scarce in the province of Skyrim. And little chance of anyone else knowing the social life of the khajiit. Description -- [img][/img] Personality -- Both as a Monk following S'rendarr [i]The Runt[/i] and as a future Mane he leads a life of discipline, training, self-sacrifice and opportunity.... even if it means aligning himself with evil to achieve his goal. What is his goal? Aside from obtaining his ascending to his rightful role of Mane, he follows the Monk's path. Thus he grant's mercy in the name of his God. Either by aiding those in need or by dispatching sinners. Death is mercy itself.