[centre][h1][b][u][color=6ecff6]Yuri Tynko[/color][/u][/b][/h1][/centre] Yuri looked up from his little book at stared at the new companion, making eye contact for the first time since the two came across one another. He didn't really know how to feel with Lilith bringing another associate into the [i]'Trynkermia'[/i] group. Grant and Lilith were a handful as it was, so was one more [i]Really[/i] the best plan of action? He placed the small page-holder onto the table he was sitting at and sipped the last remains of his tea. [color=6ecff6]"You have nothing to really apologise for, though I should."[/color] He set the cup aside and shifted his jacket slightly, popping the collar before rearranging it to look more neat and tidy than before. [color=6ecff6]"I'm gonna throw it out there...I am a bit sceptical about making another Friend, but I guess things don't always go as planned. I'm sure you want to be here less than I do. Personally, I don't have a problem with you interacting with me or them, but if you feel like, Uncomfortable, like you look right now, then you can leave at your own will."[/color] He waited for ten seconds. Ten seconds of complete and utter silence. Yuri nodded to himself as he received no answer. [color=6ecff6]"Alrighty then...Name's Yuri Tynko. Came 'ere from out of the Walls, a town named Mydleton, hence my inability to socialise well. Anyway, tell me about yourself...A-a-annella? Where you from? What you here for? Where you hoping to end up [i]if[/i] you get through training..."[/color] He put the emphasis on [i]If[/i]. Though himself he wasn't having doubts on whether she was fit enough to make it through, as at this point she seemed quite able in physical appearance, he knew a lot of these [i]Imbeciles[/i] that surrounded him and Annella weren't going to be so lucky. Hell, Yuri himself might not even prove himself to get a graduation...