It was a regular day. The palace was quiet of any mutter or chatter. Truth be told, the palace of the Emperor was the most quiet place in all Mawei. Much so, that the main hall has been deemed the Hall of Silence. A single cough was like a thunderstorm in this room. And now Robert was walking through here. Releived of all Emperor duties for today, he went for a stroll in the menacing building. A fort of massive size, and of magnificent beauty. He was enjoying the silence, taking it all in, thinking about the next step and what comes after. But every step full of confusion and disbelief. The NIFF has been deployed to the borders, to protect against the invasion of the local tribes. Yet it didn't came. Intel said that a small nation, once a mighty kingdom in the Early Days era, was once about to rise. They have united all the fleeing tribes, and already amassed an army.They want to attack the trade routes, and unite the tribes on the other side, under a single banner. If this would happen, it could lead to endangerement of the trade roputes going to the Irodien border. Already, a shipment of raw metal was stolen by these bandits calling themselves a kingdom. Yet they already have large settlements scretching as far as the eye can see on the plains of Nal'f AtaiR. The grasslands laying west of the RNI. So the Immortal riders have been tasked with escorting the convoys, and the Milita is laying down a base for a defended trade route, just like the Drakuns did. For days now, the Hall of Silenece has been place for secret intel. Robert was heading for such a meeting again. The royal guards have been sending in intels about almost magical events. The new gas found around Stoludi. The ships approaching from the small island nation. The explosion that took place yet in the same place. And there has been this strange feeling hovering in the air. He soon got the answer, as Jay entered the room, the leader of the special ops. "Sir, the balloon just arrived. And we have spotted a faint blue light emerging from one of the warehouses in this city." - With that Jay stepped out of the shadows, and held a small fabric bag, with a piece of metal attached to it. There was a small not attached to it's bottom. It was another piece of the reports Robert got every day. The last few days, the system went haywire, and the routes were buzzing with activity, to provide the much needed intel. But most baloons got blown away by the strong storms. Many sent birds or more baloons. And now he had the answers he needed. "Your majesty, I am writing this letter with outmost trust in the wind, that will carry this message to you. The matters discussed here shall be burn after reading, and only to be shared with the most trusted. We have managed to acquire a small amount of the blue gas found in Stoludi. It should be with the message. I had to create a diversion in order to deliver it to you, and I might be dead by the time you read this message. The ship convoy is suspected to have a Stoludian Martyr on board, disguised as a military trainer. Please see to it with extreme caution, as if one manages to infiltrate our security, all our secrets shall be revealed. As for the outmost importance, I have managed to get details of the storm above us with some experimenting. It seems that this is no ordinary storm. It prevents our baloons from reaching many locations, so I suggest this idea. We are dealign with something even we, the most advanced nation cannot understand. It reaches so high, and has incredible density, it is possible that we are dealing with a Ghronk. If such is the case, I advise you to find shelter for the upcoming month, and cease all trading. No one knows when will hell be unleashed, but such a planetwide storm is not to be triffled with. All other nations must know of this as soon as possible. I doubt that anyone has knowledge of such. That is all. Long live the Empire!" With a troubled face Robert grabbed a torch from the wall, and burned the letter. He waited until it was mere ashes, then turned to Jay. "You are not to tell anyone about the storm. You are also not allowed to tell anyone that we have a sample of the gas." - Robert pointed at the small vial in Jay's hand. "You must take that to the Triad. They will know what to do with it." Meanwhile somewhere in Drakun territory, Mission Time 0900 Jack hated every part of being with these fanatics. But he could see that this young man was something else. He waited until his target was, once again, kicked out of the shipyard. With a saddened look he packed away his bluprints to head home. Just then Jack decided, it was time to carry out the mission. He walked to the young man and greeted him. "Good day there sir! May I be so bald to ask you to come with me?"- his talk was sweet, but his face told his partner not to say no. So they went to walk in a place more quiet. "I have heard of your recent failures in... business. So I will give you a proposal. My employers would pay a lot for your ideas. We would grant supplies and money to bring your dream to reality. A ship that runs on steam. Truly unique. So instead of just thinking asbout it, why not to bring it to life, somewhere where people respect knowledge. So do we have an agreement?" And so a new story began, full of despair and concern, when all the nations struggle, intrigue is just a daily part of our life, and an age of new discoveries. When people are not afraid to become monsters to survive. And when the rain starts falling, all will try to make it out alive.