[h1][color=lightgreen][center]Elena Reese.[/center][/color][/h1] [h1][color=lightgreen][center]Big Bear Lake, California.[/center][/color][/h1] Elena sat on the back porch of the cabin she spotted an opened carton of cigarettes, she rarely ever smoked unless she was really stressed out. She reached over for it putting the butt of the cigarette in her mouth and took the lighter near it and lit it, Elena leaned back in the lounge chair and sighed softly to herself. Elena ran a hand through her now blonde hair she was used to living in an apartment alone, being with Blaire the past four days made her feel safe and when she left to get some food and water which was over an hour ago made her nervous to even be alone. Then Elena jumped when she heard some sticks cracking causing her to sit up right away seeing heavily armed men in SWAT gear approaching her. "Freeze get down on the ground, NOW!" Yelled one of the SWAT officers, Elena feeling her legs trembling she could see some of them held tazers as well as tranquilizer guns. Doing the only thing she could think of Elena didn't want to get captured she could see a large pine tree, Elena quickly sent a bolt of lightening towards the tree causing a large sound of thunder to fill the air, and the tree to topple over in front of the officers causing them to back up and stunned from the sudden attack. Elena quickly pulled out a cheap disposable cellphone she got the day she fled and called Blaire. "Pick up! Pick up!" Elena said as she started to run as fast as she could, when there wasn't an answer Elena quickly left a message. "Blaire! They found me, please pick up!" Then there was a gunshot Elena cried out in pain as she was shot in the knee, causing Elena to trip over and dropping the phone on the ground. "Got her ma'am." Another Olympus agent said, the agent then quickly pulled out a pair of specialized arm cuffs made out of durable rubber to prevent Elena from using her ability. Then the truck pulled up in front of the two of the agents the driver quickly got out opening the back of the truck. "Nice shot, lets get her in now before the cops catch up!" The female agent pulled the sniper rifle she used to shoot Elena in the leg and strapped it to her back and helped carry Elena who was kicking to break free. The two agents shoved her inside the van and quickly drove off, driving over the cellphone crushing it the voice mail message barely managed to be sent to Blaire's phone. The female agent quickly pulled out her phone and called Max. "We got you a present, we will meet you on the western end of the lake." The agent said looking over at Elena and smiled before turning back to the phone call. "What do you want us to do about her?" Elena glared she wasn't able to use her arms or hands she looked around and then started to try and make a way towards the door, the female agent quickly took out a tazer gun firing it at her causing Elena to cry out in pain once more sending her to the floor of the van. Normally she would have been able to take the shock and feel nothing at all, and continue moving but the gunshot wound was to much to handle with the pain. A few minutes later the agents were at the meet up location waiting for Max to arrive, the agents then got out of the van putting in some C-4 explosive just to destroy the evidents. They tossed Elena down on the ground her eyes moving to look at the four agents. "I didn't do anything wrong!" Elena yelled, then one of the agents kicked her in the head to knock her out. [u][i][b]Noah Bennet:[/b][/i][/u] Noah sat down next to Peter and across from Angela he glared at her for a second as she spoke about Claire the way she did, but he remained quiet about it. Then he turned towards Peter and knew he had read her mind. "You know I don't like it when you do that right?" Noah looked over at Peter, then he turned his attention towards Angela as she told them something bad will happen soon after today he leaned closer towards her. "Well what do you suggest we do? I know we are getting our contacts into those testing places, but we cant control what has happened unless we send Peter back to even prevent Claire for exposing all of you. But we know he cant do it." Noah looked at Peter before turning to sit back in his seat. "And we obviously cant protect every single one, hell for all we know over half of the country went in for those screenings so the government might have those already detained or even killed. And what does this all have to do with things going on in LA?"