[b]Name:[/b] [i]Meruin Hazy[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] Short, standing only an inch or so above 5ft, with wavy bob-cut black hair and green-grey eyes. She's petite and fragile looking in a sense, however she has a calm and meticulous look that gives her an air of maturity that she does not really possess. (Image will be uploaded later) [b]Age:[/b] [i]15[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Abilities:[/b] A jack-of-all trades that can use multiple abilities, but has yet to proficiently use one, not to mention being hampered by her physically weak body. Abilities include; elemental manipulation, mind-reading, aura sensing, clairvoyance, barriers, healing spells, and etc. Basically, anything that can be learned, she probably learned it. Still, as of now, Meruin has two main focus: her barriers, which, when given enough time, can reach astonishing levels of intricacy and toughness, and runes, which she uses in place of aria's to speed cast. [b]How you could work in a team:[/b] Support and logistics. Never put her on offensive, unless she is given adequate time, in which case, she is capable of being highly devastating to whole teams in combat. [b]Personality:[/b] Introverted and quiet, she prefers to study than talk with other people. Focused and serious when it comes to her studies, she is otherwise a dunderhead when it comes to social interactions, and cannot read social ques very well, hence she doesn't mind doing what may be inappropriate in public (or more like she doesn't know she's doing anything wrong . . .) Gullible and still quite childish at heart, but stubborn and confident in her ability to succeed. Meruin, surprisingly, also has a very high degree of pride, though admittedly she takes pride in the strangest of things, so being able to push her pride requires some degree of familiarity with her. Meruin is also very quirky, often taking interest in the most random of things at any given time, so long as her attention is not occupied, and is not the slightest bit hesitant to act upon those interests, however awkward or embarrassing it may be (most often and [i]especially[/i] for other people. [b]History:[/b] Suffice it to say that she came from a family of losers and wanted to be different, and through her efforts met the grandest of all mages (in her opinion), who henceforth became her Master. Any more than that shall be revealed during RP. [b]Other:[/b] Can cook and sing quite well. Has a weak body and is Asthmatic and Anemic [hider=SCHEDULE] [center][u][b]First period:[/b][/u] [i]Alchemy[/i] [u][b]Second period:[/b][/u] [i]Rituals[/i] [u][b]Third period:[/b][/u] [i]Arcane Arts[/i] [u][b]Fourth period:[/b][/u] [i]Elements Class[/i] [u][b]Fifth period:[/b][/u] [i]Free[/i] [u][b]Sixth period:[/b][/u] [i]Arts & Crafts[/i] [u][b]Seventh period:[/b][/u] [i]Magic theory[/i] [u][b]Eighth period:[/b][/u] [i]Sealing[/i][/center][/hider]