[color=wheat]”Alright, alright you sappy sons of bitches. We got work to do now that sleeping fucking beauty is back to his senses.”[/color] Jek explained with a hand as he ushered them to their feet. He seemed more tense than usual as if now that they were getting to the final hours that the weight of it all finally seemed to be hitting him. They followed him back towards the bar walking through what was left of the neighborhood. The lively neighborhood they had seen three weeks ago was more or less gone in its existence. The occasional mortar or rocket fired had ended up piling up over the weeks and days, the decay forcing those that lived there to run and seek shelter anywhere they could find it. The smell reeked as bodies lay scattered across the ground in heaps and piles some set ablaze to keep contamination down but others left to rot, burials were to be had later after they got out of it alive. As they approached the bar security became more tight with metal barriers and even gun emplacements set up upon the street. The careful eye could even spot the sporadic sniper hiding among the dark rooftops peering down and watching their every movement. It was a show of force of sorts but really showed how worried Jek was for it all to come tumbling down. During this procession through the carnage and destruction the team’s leader was strangely silent. Usually he would of at least tried to start up a conversation but he just walked forward, a deep aura of silence hanging over him like a cloak. Nik looked old and tired his battered armor not showing a glint of shine to it, eyes a thousand yards away. Inside he was beating himself up, he wasn't some amature he was Nikusiil Vos, the Vengeance of Omega and what did he do he went and got knocked out by a brick wall. Sure it was a little bit of a hurt ego but also he failed his team: he was the one that brought them all together, he was the one in charge of them all, and yet they were forced to play the games for Jek for almost an entire month because of him. He regretted taking on this mission, he regretted biting off more than he could chew and in a perfect world he could just shoot Jek now and shoot Sirn and be done with it all. But things could never be that simple could it. Jek shoulder his way into the bar forcing the door open, the silence was the first thing that hit Nik. The last time he had been in their it was a rowdy place filled with shouting, laughter, drinking and even strippers. Now it was empty and Nik could see it more for what it actually was. It was an old room with well worn stains on the ground, the stench of excrement but in reality more empty than anything else. In a way it was fitting for it to be Jek’s establishment for resembled his own self in many ways. A facade of greatness hiding an aging and rotten core. The batarian led them to the back and up into the elevator where they rose up in silence. The table they discussed at before was still there. Jek took his place at the far head and Nik at the opposing head the others filling in around them. The batarian pressed a button underneath the table and the wood covering retracted revealing a holographic display underneath which lit up displaying the neighborhood. Little dots began to fill the map as the map picked up on transceivers that Jek’s men carried showing their locations amongst the streets. [color=wheat]”Alright let's get down to business.”[/color] Jek explained producing another one of his trademark grins as he began to shift the hologram around as the data morphed and changed displaying a top down map with several arrows on it. [color=wheat]”Thanks to all our “wonderful efforts to the contribution of society”, including maiming, killing, assassinating and blowing up everything that stands before me and my fucking goal it is time to bring the axe down upon our krogan friend's head.”[/color] The map began to whirr and zoom focusing in on a large structure far into Sirn’s territory. [color=wheat]”That building right there is loving called the Pitts. It is a gladiator arena of sorts used for anything from live deathmatches to Varren fights, you know all fucking fun bloody stuff like that. The Pitts also happened to be Qiyrloc and mines first business venture years ago and serves as his HQs. Now it is time for me to take back what was rightfully mean with [i]deadly[/i] force.”[/color] The map pulled back again to the screen with the arrows. [color=wheat]”My boys and me are going to take the fun route and smash right into the last of his defenses right up in front. This should provide you all with a distraction big enough so that your team can infiltrate in through the rear and cripple him from the behind. We both push and sandwich him in the middle at the Pitts. There we fucking finish the job. Sound like a plan.”’[/color] Jek explained looking towards Nik. [color=cyan]”It’s a classic, I’ll give you that. And if you are able to make a big enough bang it’ll work.... How long do we have to prepare?”[/color] Nik asked calm and collected.. all business [color=wheat]”A day at the most. I’ve got to give time for my boys in the field to finish setting up a few surprises. In the meantime I suppose you and your team has some planning and catching up to do.”[/color] Jek explained receiving only a nod in response. [color=wheat]”Though before you all leave, I got a present for you.”[/color] Nik raised an eyebrow as Jek pressed another button on the table and began to talk out loud. [color=wheat]”Amaandis bring the boy up and tell him to make sure he looks halfway decent.”[/color] [hr] Somewhere below them Jek’s Hanar assistant was in a small dark room in the sub basement of the Bar. It was cold and dark and smelled like decay and death. Along with Amaandis was another figure who had been waiting down there for some time now, called back from the field just for this special meeting. Amaandis pressed a concealed button with his tentacle and the stone wall pulled back coating the room in a harsh bright light, an elevator. The hanar spoke to the other body in the room. [color=GhostWhite][i]”Master Jek will see you now Mister White.”[/i][/color]