[list][*][b]Name[/b]: Sister Lucrezia, High Executor [*][b]Age[/b]: 27 [*][b]Gender[/b]: Female [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://safebooru.org//images/860/22cf8e1203bc80f4e94087e456798fdf10adb3f5.jpg?1036715[/img] [*][b]Personality[/b]: Easily described as 'lacking a sense of humour', Lucrezia seems to have something of a blind spot where relaxation is concerned. She's utterly concerned with her duties, even to her own detriment, and unwilling to argue matters of morality. On the plus side, she tries to hew to the spirit of things even where the supernatural intrudes. [*][b]Abilities[/b]: A magus as well as a member of the church, Lucrezia's affinity is Light. Whilst this provides her with a wide variety of spells to obfuscate, displace, or entirely hide her position whilst in wait for an enemy, it also has offensive potential through the simple expedient of using lasers. Being slower to cast than simply shooting someone, they are rarely her choice of weapon, but with time permitting she does have a magical trump card: six wings of light capable of rapidly bombarding a target. The Latin chant to cast it is far too unwieldy to manage whilst actively fighting, however. Her favoured technique, in the end, is one that simply shifts her apparent position a few feet to either side. [*][b]Skills[/b]: Lucrezia is both a skilled marksman and more than capable of holding her own in melee. She's also rather good at getting into a good position to hide, even if her general attire hardly favours blending in. [*][b]Equipment[/b]: Both Lucrezia's rifle, and the bayonets she carries as a backup, are blessed, making them far worse for vampires or the like to be stabbed by. Not one to underestimate her opponents, she's long eschewed using anything less than armour-piercing rounds... overkill for a person, but witches can be hard to bring down. [*][b]Brief Backstory[/b]: An orphan raised by the Catholic church, Lucrezia's magical ability was noted at a young age and, with her devotion, she was inevitably brought into the church. In the long term, this lead to her joining the branch of the church dealing with exorcisms... a job at which she excelled, further being promoted. When the White Night ritual came to her attention, Lucrezia immediately moved to get involved: such a power should wholly belong to God, thus either the church should wield it or one of its members should receive and return it.[/list]