[b]Nation Name[/b]: The Queendom of Amazonia [b]Brief Nation History[/b]: Little is know about the history of the Amazons prior to the arrival of Old Worlders in the Western Sides. Those peoples indigenous to the Western Sides do tell of the Amazons originated from a people who arrived from across the sea centuries ago, whom the natives call the the [i]Asgaya-dihi[/i], or 'the man-killers'. It is rather unclear whether this actually means that the ancestors of the Amazons were actually originally from the Old World or that they came from elsewhere from the Western Sides. Some claim that the former is true because of the Amazons' greater resistance to Old World diseases, the uncanny familiarity of their language and religion, and their physical appearance seems more of a mixture between those of the Old World and the Western sides. However, detractors of this theory point out that the relative lack of Old World interaction with the Amazons could also explain the low rate of infection in the Amazon populations, while their 'Old Worldness' could be explained by their tradition of kidnapping women from neighboring communities (which as of recently have included Old World settlements). The majority of the Amazon population lives along the Thermodon River, which begins at its source in the Luthoan Mountains in the South and flows northward until it empties out into the Bay of Myrine. The largest city (which also serves as the capital) in Amazonia is Themiscyra. Amazonia itself is actually divided into four tribal associations, or [i]Phyla[/i], each governing over a separate section of Amazonia and having their own leaders. The four groups are the [i]Phyla Sogila[/i], the [i]Phyla Tsytla [/i], the [i]Phyla Adylisa[/i], and the [i]Phyla Daksa[/i]. However, each [i]Phyla[/i] admits subordinate to a single queen ([i]basilea[/i]), whom is drawn from one of the four [i]Phyla[/i]. Whenever a heir to the thrown is unable to be found for whatsoever reason, the elders of the four [i]Phyla[/i] assembles a council where they select a new bloodline to wield the royal power. The current dynasty of queens have been drawn from [i]Phyla Daksa[/i] for the last several generations. While Amazonia is a matriarchal society and the majority (although not the entirety) of its slave population is male, the male 'Amazon' population is not considered to be inferior to the womenfolk, but they rather have a position of equality. Although there is definitely a division of labor in regard to gender roles, military service is not one of them, which allows Amazonia to muster forces that are slightly larger than a population of similar size. One ritual that the Amazons hold dear is their annual raids upon their neighbors. In these raids, a band of young women are sent out to a neighboring village. Besides material plunder, the Amazons kidnap young women, whom are assimilated into Amazonian society, and young men, who are placed into slavery. Once the Old Worlders started to make settlements within the traditional Amazon "hunting grounds", the Amazons eventually raided these communities too. These incidents have caused negative relations between the Amazons and the Old Worlders. However, the most significant event in Amazonian history was the introduction of horses to the Western Sides. Almost immediately the Amazons adopted horsemanship into their culture, both militarily and domestically. In combination with their finesse at archery, the introduction of cavalry into the Amazon military culture generated one of the most feared weapons on the northern portion of the Western Sides. Although the Amazons have been importing firearms for both military and domestic uses, the trade of these items are at such a small scale that the majority of the Amazonian fighting forces would not be wielding them. [b]Government[/b]: Matriarchal Monarchy (current [b]basileia[/b]: Thalestris) [b]Landmass[/b]: [hider=Queendom of Amazonia][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/ApcY18x_zpsxwklrhjr.png[/img][/hider] [b]Religion[/b]: Dodekatheism [b]Spend points here[/b] -- [b]Population[/b]: 13,000,000 ([b]1 pts.[/b]) -- [b]Martial Prowess[/b]: 100,000 warriors strong ([b]7 pts.[/b]) -- [b]Cultural Unity[/b]: ([b]6 pts.[/b]) -- [b]Navy[/b]: 3 Third Rate, 2 Second Rates, and 1 First Rate ship ([b]1 pts.[/b]) -- [b]Colonies[/b]: None ([b]0 pts.[/b])