[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ObRDT2r.png[/img] [h2][b][color=moccasin]Tsukiko Umene, Honeybadger[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] The wild woman slowly backed out of Fujitora's personal space once Ayame started talking. For however much Tsukiko might think she behaved odd she had to admit the woman was good with words and was definitely a smart one. She kept her mouth shut as her superior explained herself, resisting the urge to interrupt several times. Ayame was right about several things for sure, such as not having full trust in Tsukiko and her awareness of the 11th Corps. But Tsukiko had been spied on plenty of times in the past, whether it was under the orders of Zeno, Ayame, or whoever was in charge of the 11th, she wouldn't know. The Honeybadger has always been a hard woman to trust, given her background, attitude, and skillset. And Tsukiko knew she would never shake that stigma that she had earned. It wasn't until Ayame presented a little box, placing it down for Tsukiko to examine herself. She initially looked curious, but after Ayame spoke it became very clear what was inside. Then came the surprised expression. [i][color=moccasin]Is she serious?[/color][/i] Oddly carefully, Tsukiko walked over and picked up the box, gingerly opening it to reveal the armband inside. If one were to judge by looks they would guess that Tsukiko had never been given gifts before. While her expression was mostly serious, it was easy to see her eyes light up in restrained glee. A recognition of her service, after close to twenty years of serving Konoha. Tsukiko quickly closed the jewelry box and took up the bottle that Fujitora had passed back. [b][color=moccasin]"You piece of shit, you drank almost all of it,"[/color][/b] she stated casually, immediately before gulping the remaining third of the beer in one quick chug. Rather than tossing the empty bottle she set it down in a civilized manner and wiped her lips with the back of her hand. [b][color=moccasin]"That is good beer."[/color][/b] With that she opened the box again and removed the Jonin Commander armband, slipping it onto her right arm and flexing a few times, to see how well it held. [b][color=moccasin]"Huh..."[/color][/b] After confirming that it wouldn't easily slip off, she brought her attention back up to Ayame. [b][color=moccasin]"It fits."[/color][/b] A grin formed on her face as she sat back down in her soaked seat. The dangerous tension that she had given off before was now completely gone. Her rage had subsided, though it wasn't entirely from the promotion. Tsukiko was conflicted about Ayame and Fujitora as it was, as they had certainly pissed her off but they were still her friends. Their words were assuring, though Tsukiko knew that she would never trust them fully and they wouldn't trust her fully either. It was a fact of their lives and nothing to be hung up on. Perhaps at this point a normal person would think to apologize, but the thought didn't even cross Tsukiko's mind. [b][color=moccasin]"I guess my plans for killing you guys are gonna have to be put off,"[/color][/b] she joked, in reference to Fujitora's last comment. [b][color=moccasin]"I am a shinobi of Konohagakure. Now I am also the Jonin Commander. But first and foremost: I will [i]always[/i] be a survivor. I've been through far worse than a change of leadership. I can adapt just fine. Just like how I adapted to that import beer you got. Have another bottle that your brother hasn't drank from?"[/color][/b] [hr] [center][img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr7xsq9y3h1qcfp07o1_500.jpg[/img] [h2][b][color=orange]Shin Maru, Topaz[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] The young detective remained quiet and patient as Reijo gave his answer. He gave no signs of how he felt about the discussion, keeping a straight and sincere face all the way through. In his mind, Reijo's ideas were better, and by extension less extreme, than Kaito's plan for a total purge. But he didn't intend to let on what he was thinking. So far in his young life it has gone bad [i]almost every single time[/i] he voices his opinion. [b][color=orange]"My father figured you would say that,"[/color][/b] Shin responded casually, leaning back in his seat once it was his turn to speak. [b][color=orange]"He knew his initial request was a tall order, but he felt the need to make it nonetheless. However, though I don't represent him completely and I'm only a middleman, I am positive that your terms are acceptable."[/color][/b] Shin pulled several pieces of paper out of his pocket, all stapled together at the top left corner and the entire thing folded neatly to fit in his pocket in the first place. It was a list that was several pages long. [b][color=orange]"This is a list of all registered immigrants that have a criminal record,"[/color][/b] Shin began, [b][color=orange]"Ranging from vandalism to theft to murder and whatever else. It contains their names, registered address, and offenses. Printed it off this morning so it's up-to-date. My father would like your assistance on handling them."[/color][/b] He handed the list over to Reijo, though there was no particular need for him to look through it just yet. [b][color=orange]"The plan isn't to dispose of them or get them to change their ways. But instead to enable them. Help them out." "My father believes that if we cannot remove the immigrants and the problems associated with them, then the next best option is to amplify them. To allow them to draw attention to their flaws to the point it becomes the only thing that can be seen."[/color][/b] Shin let out a sigh and started scratching his head. [b][color=orange]"This kinda stuff goes over my head a bit, but I guess it's supposed to be like reverse psychology. The idea is that, with your expanse of wealth and power, it would be easy for you to set conditions in their neighborhoods to make them more prone to crime."[/color][/b] Shin looked down at his hands now, which were resting on his knees. After a brief pause, to allow Reijo to take it all in, Shin looked back up. [b][color=orange]"In exchange for this... no shinobi or police will intrude upon your business. There are some that my father cannot convince nor does he have jurisdiction over them, such as the 11th Corps. But an alliance between you and my father will make you largely immune to the law... not that you will be breaking it to begin with."[/color][/b] That part was specifically mentioned to him by Kaito, though Shin was sure that it was just supposed to be sweet talk. [b][color=orange]"Are these terms acceptable? Or do you have anything else to add?"[/color][/b]