"Jacque, flying wolves can reach speeds of up to ninety miles per hour. I don't think you'll be able to outrun them. However, that's still a good idea. We need bait. Let's see..." Diego looked off into the distance, lost in thought. "That's it! Flying wolves won't attack anything unless its dead. Sort of like wolf vultures. So we play dead. Once the wolves get close, we overpower one of them, pin it down. I'll hop onto its back. Then I'll try and fly it up to the window," with that, Diego flopped to the ground. Julia shrugged and collapsed onto the grass as well. Two wolves take notice, but only circle over their heads- they do not dive down to attack the group. ***** "Retreat! Fall back! He's not worth it! A magic user will get him!" calls out one of the men. The swordsman pinning James is temporarily distracted. James seizes the opportunity and swipes the man's sword. He slashes at the swordsman who screams, blood pouring from his chest. But, as he bleeds, he lands a blow on James' skull. James crumbles to the floor, unconscious. The swordsman is not so lucky. The cut is deep, and he is mortally wounded. After briefly writhing in pain, he collapses lifeless to the floor. The men do the best they can to retreat, but only one escapes. The others are killed by the orc and Nikolai. The orc may not have possessed finesse, but his blows were powerful. He struck one man's sword so hard that it splintered the hilt. The orc doesn't react to Nikolai's insult. Clearly, he doesn't speak Czech. "Leh...Мы должны бежать.Leh Будете ли вы принимать этот уродливый человеческий девушку и ранил человека человеку с вами Leh Leh Leh Leh?" he says.