Here is my char-sheet. [hider=For your approval] [b]Name:[/b] Sgarsiathoryx 'Sgar' [b]Age:[/b] 500+ [b]Race:[/b] Full Dragon [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Alliance:[/b] Pro Magic [b]Appearance:[/b] In [url=]dragon form[/url] [i](ignore the airplane in the background)[/i], Sgar is the epitome of the crimson-scaled fire-breathing fury. He is huge, with black spiral horns on his head and spiked frills on his face. He has long black talons, a frilled tail, forked tongue, and eyes that are the colour of fire. The trailing edge of his wings are dark, as though scorched, and slightly frayed-looking. In [url=]humanoid form[/url], he is a tall tan-skinned man with amber eyes, long black hair in a ponytail and just enough dark facial hair to be considered roguishly scruffy. His dragon mark is a wine-coloured splash down his back. [b]Personality:[/b] On a good day, Sgar is extroverted and charming, though he is never far from a condescending or arrogant comment. He is vain and selfish and tends to come off as aloof and snide. He has a mind for trade and has connections with wealthy merchants in order to acquire priceless magical artifacts and ancient tomes, especially those that deal with the subject of magic. On a bad day, Sgar might go from broody to a full-blown tantrum, and has a tendency to light things on fire or simply smash them into oblivion. Those who have seen one of his outbursts, especially in his full-dragon form, have given him the moniker 'The Red Terror'. When he is on a rampage he becomes exceedingly single-minded and wont let anything stand in his way. His age gives him experience and foresight, but he still frequently acts rashly. [b]Clothing:[/b] He tends to wear clothing that is made from expensive materials but is practical enough in design to not be considered too ostentatious. For example, a fine red silk long-sleeved shirt (the laces at the neck undone) under a hand-tooled black suede vest with matching pants and soft camelskin boots. He is never without a golden earring or two, and has a particular fondness for red gemstones. He generally dresses similarly to what a lord or prince might wear, but without any identifying insignia or crest. He is usually dressed in red, because obviously it is the best colour. [b]History:[/b] Sgar is one of those dragons who was bonded to a demi dragon who was killed in a battle. Consumed by grief and guilt, he didn't resist much when his soul was trapped in limbo. Eventually, mostly out of anger for his loss, he was able to escape, though he is now a bit emotionally unstable. He is finally at a point where he might consider another partnership with a demi-dragon. He currently lives in a hidden place near Granite Hallows and spends most of his time trying to improve his magical skill so that next time he flies into battle he can protect the people he cares about. [b]Weapons:[/b] In dragon form: Fire breath, fangs, claws, sheer size. In human form: Proficiency with a cutlass. [b]Likes:[/b] Treasure (especially gold and priceless gems), music, fine wine, rare books, hot tubs, sparring/dueling, showing off, raw meat, phoenixes. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Riddles, Practical jokes at his expense, cold, bad poetry, insufferable knights, sweet food/drink, goody two-shoes. [b]Strengths:[/b] Evocation magic with a focus on elemental (fire). Languages (he already knows a lot). His age. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Cold magic, arguments, shiny things, his temper, constricted spaces (when in full form). [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Click[/url] [b]Other: He can be attracted to men as well as women. He has a pet phoenix. His alignment is chaotic neutral, and he could just as easily turn to evil as good.[/b] [/hider]