Vision, a once thriving utopia, in the heart of the greatest place on earth, once known as New York, is isolated after drug cartel's and gang wars broke out through the streets. Quarantined from the world, The city was referred to by the Hegemon as 'the worlds cancer.' The plan was to isolate and let them die of starvation or kill one another, that never happened, soon after isolation Vision formed a unified hate against the rest of the world. Frightened the Hegemon sent in forces to eradicate the surviving forces of Vision, only to be killed themselves, leaving the people of Vision with the high tech weapons of today to defend against another invasion. Worried news would break out, a nuclear strike was to be implemented on Vision. Though nuclear weapons were disposed of in the early 21st century, they improvised with a biological weapon that would be safer and still have the effects of the radiation on the people. After the biological drop, thousands still survived, some mutating, skin boiling, skin sagging until their muscles were the only thing left, some.. extra limbs. But those were the less fortunate. The more fortunate came out into the black ash of sky, and saw the sun through hell. They felt an unusual gift had been placed upon them. They were the soldiers of Vision. Satellites picked it up right away, a human flame thrower destroying cars in a parking lot, a building being froze over. One man was to fast for the computer, as people started leaping buildings and blocks. Some mutations, had no inverse effects. Outside the walls, its 2346, Inside Vision, it is 19 days After the Drop "AD" It was time for Vision to rise. Outside of these walls is freedom, outside of these walls is power, THEY FEAR US! We are the council, Vision's sight, and sound, we will rise, and we will claim what they have stolen from us! Our planet! We can't be shut out, we can't be contained. And we will not be misjudged. With armies building quicker than lives can be made, the world prepares for the fire that will start as soon as Vision declares war. Super human's are a thing of tomorrow, with only defective clones and cyborg surrogates to manipulate soldiers, real human's armed to the teeth in firepower will have to do their best to contain the imminent breach. A blind man who could talk to technology let the world know the plans of Vision, no negotiations were made, no ransom. The only message he sent via an old mobile phone through a wifi connection was. "Vision is holding the world hostage. And there won't be any survivors." The world outside, the population goes about their lives, not in-tuned with what has been going on inside Vision, to their knowledge. Nobody was inside the walls. [b][i]Let us rise, for the downfall of civilization.[/i][/b] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you've read this far I'm assuming I've peaked your interest. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.