[@BytheSpleen] [b][color=ed145b] Bessie turned to the sound of a male nearby. She put on a smile and took in his features. "Good day, sir. Actually, I am heading to the Lobby. I would like to check my mail box. Everyone will have to wait until Monday for getting school supplies. By the way, my name is Bessie. What is yours?" bessie asked softly as she took in the guy's mannerisms. That is what she went by the most. Not that she was a beauty queen but she was decent in her own opinion. She had hair to her shoulder blades which was pulled back from her face. Her green eyes sparkled merrily. Bessie now turned to the new male voice in surprise. Males usually ignored her presence for red hair and green eyes foretold a witch's presence. Not that she was a witch and magic did fascinate her. Perhaps she could pick up some kind of a magical kit for a hobby. "Hello to you! I am Bessie and I am heading to the Lobby for my mail." she spoke softly wondering why both males were interested in meeting her. [/color][/b]