[color=00aeef]“War, war never changes Adrianne, it is all we know these dark days as hostiles push down upon us from all sides. They are not here to acquire our worlds or gather resources, their one and only goal is to remove our existence from the universe, as if we are a stain upon their own. I was reading a book about great leaders in our past from all sides of war and have grown quite interested in one named Isaack. He spoke to his people from his capital and said as follows. My people, sons and daughters of this grand civilization, we are once more reminded of our enemies depravity. We suffer the unspeakable horrors and hardships that they try to force down upon us, hoping that we will break and succumb to their will. The days of those fears have passed, for now we strike out upon those who would see us harm with terrible vengeance. Look now into the sky and watch as our enemy’s ships burn away in orbit, watch as they are cut down by our forces who fight together as one. We will destroy their dreams and haunt their nightmares until they know that our homes, our lives, our existence is our own from this day, till the end of days.”[/color] Aviza fell silent before the Valkyrie took a large left turn. The warehouse could be seen in the distance, a beacon of light standing out amongst lesser buildings and factories in the area. [color=00aeef]“All it takes is a great leader, faithful people and a challenge or threat to bring everyone together as a whole." "It’s been prove through the many years humanity has existed, though there are some exceptions of course, we are mercilessly cruel at times.”[/color] Placing her hand upon the throttle, she pulled it back towards herself slowly as the ship decreased speed.[color=00aeef] "I see a prime landing position for the ship, a dark alley near a couple other factories that are producing large amounts of smoke, if we are lucky they are generating quite a bit of noise as well."[/color] The ship positioned itself over the dark alley before slowly drifting towards the ground, blue flames illuminating the area for a moment. Reaching out in front of her she flipped a couple of switches, turning off all the lights and switching the engines to twenty five percent power. The Valkyrie felt as if it was free falling for a moment before very gently touching down upon the road beneath them. As soon as it did, Aviza’s hands went to work as they quickly shut off almost all systems for the ship. [color=00aeef]“Thank you for being my Co-Pilot Adrianne, your Psycher talents are greatly overlooked and I for one appreciate your help, even if we were very close to being sucked into a warp portal while in the art gallery.” Aviza opened the door that connected the cockpit to the rest of the Gunship and motioned for Adrianne to go first. “After you, I will hold up the rear.”[/color] Once everyone was out of the ship and Aviza had made sure it was securely locked, she followed the Inquisitors orders to the letter and quickly made her way to the back of the warehouse taking her position next to a large metal door that lead into it. Bending down on one knee, she took an offensive stance with her weapon raised, ready to breach.