[color=007236]"While I can't conjure a deer, I can make some noise!" [/color]said Habb upon hearing Diego's plan. Someone needed to play dead on the ground, but the beasts did not seem to focus their attention on anyone in the fellowship; and they needed to be distracted so that the others could regroup and get ready to jump on their backs as soon as possible. Habb would distract them and fall, he decided, and he had an idea how to do it. He took a deep breath and filled his lungs with air, and then, after pressing his lips with his thumb and making a strange symbol on them, he let the air out in a loud thundering explosion that echoed all the way to the hill beyond the woods. The wolves twitched and whirled around, howling louder than before, their sensitive ears so violently pierced. They turned around towards Habb and descended upon him with open jaws, just as he fell on the ground, seemingly dead.