[center][img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/c8a283f651bff9453f221d27a3db4bdd1381192308_full.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=limegreen] " Nakalla Village " [/color][/h3][/center] In the far west, there lay's a small village far from the cities in Japan. It's existence is almost unknown and very few people actually live within this 'very' small village. Farm's surround the village, resident's can be seen working on rice farms and other plant's that casually grow within Japanese Agriculture. Younger residents tend to linger around the school, since most of there families are busy farming they hang out near the school in which were they are watched by the school teacher. And when the day ends...the star's shine bright and the resident's fall to sleep. [hr] The main plot will surround the sudden urbanization of Nakalla Village, even though it won't be a drastic it will be a surprise to the current citizens of the village. Know you, the player will somehow move here or you are a current resident. Remember, this is a 'rest' RP and I don't expect much activity going on here. [hr] [hider=Nakalla] [img]https://animarchmadness.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/non-non-biyori-2-3.png[/img] The town itself, everything is in a fairly walk able distance and barely anyone uses...what it's name? Cars. Yeah, cars. [/hider] [hider=School] [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTO50ox_7GzgQDXeUHwImaXCwD6DXxP2CR_mZlmHavmiQJiXlKt[/img] Yes, even with very few resident's there is still a school. Currently only ___ still go there. All the students are clustered into one classroom. [/hider] [hider=Farms] [img]http://likeafishinwater.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/20131012-nonnonbiyori01-01.jpg[/img] Some people may be found working on the crops in the farms. [/hider] [hider=Kashinsha] [img]https://austinanime.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/nonnonbiyorisorrytheydidntreally_7b273d0e30f4b098cfcacc4e7190c41e-1.png[/img] The grave of one of the most beloved resident's. As the Sakura tree begins to bloom a few resident's come to the tree to honor the girls death. [/hider] [hider=Convenient Store] [img]http://www.allthatsepic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Non-Non-Biyori-3.jpg[/img] This store is managed by one of the resident's, like any other Convenient Store useful things are bound to be found...pretty much it. [/hider] [hider=Forest] [img]https://animehealing.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/5bm-3-3-w5d_non_non_biyori_-_04_5b720p5d5b639dabc25d-mkv_snapshot_11-07_5b2014-08-15_15-34-565d.jpg?w=400&h=225[/img] Resident's reside to the forest at times, to calm there minds whenever needed. The forest is 'very' safe as lamp post can be found marking the land of the Forest. [/hider] [hider=Tea Shop] [img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/6566/161100-teahouse.jpg[/img] Description, WIP [/hider] [hr] [h3] " Character Card " [/h3] [quote] Name Appearance Gender Age Nationality Biography Other [/quote] [hr] [hider=My Character] Name| Kukauro Nitoshi [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/27/0f/03/270f03bbed39a9701e04c1bed68cde14.jpg[/img] [hr] Gender| Female Age| 12 Nationality| Japanese Biography| A simple girl, she lives with her mother and father who seem to be very casual. Pretty much the average family except with a little girl who sees herself as the ruler of the world and who thinks that she is the only 'real' person within the universe...but she doesn't really let that part of herself show. Far from her fantasies of wanting to be the ultimate ruler of everything, Kukauro is like any other child. Hanging around school or lingering around the convenient store. She is well acquainted with the residents of Nakalla and she knows where everything is. Though, she doesn't really like to tell the locations of the secret locations she hath found. Other| Potential Stalker. Just saying. [/hider] [hr] [b] Rules [/b] 1). It is recommended that you only post twice a day, other than that it is fine to post as how many time's as you want as long as it does not spam the whole page. 2). Do not expect people to be here as much, I do not mind if the RP goes sort of absent. It is meant to be absent since this RP is only used for 'free-time' within the RP world. 3). Do not be impatient, obviously. 4. Remember to have fun and follow all the rule's and to make sure that you have read all the rule's please type in SuckMahDuckMate within your ' Others ' part of the CS! Than you, and goodbye.