Name [INDENT]Akiko "Satoshi" Huntington[/INDENT] Appearance [center][img][/img][/center] [center]5'5 | 120 lb.[/center] Gender [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] Age [INDENT]16[/INDENT] Nationality [INDENT]Caucasian / Japanese[/INDENT] Biography [INDENT]Satoshi was (and still is), as her mother describes her, a rambunctious young boy in the shell of a girl. Ever since she could learn how to walk, she began to run around the house and play with her father's old articles, always planning and dreaming to be the "man" of the house when she was quite obviously otherwise. The usual strictures of gender roles weren't of much use in the pragmatic sense, when each and every person in the village was set to farm for their livelihoods and food, so Satoshi remained as Satoshi, despite the fact that that wasn't her name. As for her father, was safe enough to say he had no means to go back. After Satoshi's mother was impregnated, the father just upped and left for reasons unknown. No checks, no letters, not even a divorce paper was mailed. Nothing. It isn't to Satoshi's surprise, then and now, that she becomes the butt-end of parental jokes, but hey, it's not like she ever liked him in the first place. If her mom says he isn't dead, he isn't. That's all there is to it.[/INDENT] [INDENT]Also, did I forget to mention she runs a pretty neat rice field separate from her mother's? At school, she learned about adding prawn culture to the ricefields, and since her family is right next to the river...well, one thing came to another and soon, she was picking up textbooks on the Vietnamese. The end result was a working rice-field that flourished with prawns during the late summer (spawning had to happen by the first thaw of spring, otherwise it would've been too cold for the shrimp), effectively bringing loads of money and yummy snacks to the table. As part of her appreciation for the Vietnamese, she's started to work on her own set of "Ao Dai" (pronounced Ao Yai). And yes, she knows what happened during WWII. The past remains in the past, blegh, blah blah blah.[/INDENT] Other [list] She loves : [*]Fishing [*]Exercising [*]Biology [*]Making money [*]Parental Jokes (what a masochist!) [/list]