It was hard to describe exactly what happened given one moment he was on the stairs reaching up to touch a statue, and the next he was on his ass at the Labyrinth’s entrance as his entire body flipped the switch and simply gave up. He collapsed rather unceremoniously by the base of the statue, trying to catch his breath, as he saw Vincent approach. He managed to tilt his head and catch Senna’s arrival shortly after. Unsurprisingly, she seemed to have looted a bunch of the remains and equipment from their first expedition; probably in hopes there would be someone in town that would pay coin for all of it. Well, whatever, it wasn’t like he wanted to get rich from the Labyrinth. At that though he scowled a bit and forced himself to stand, even if he had to use the statue as support. There was no question in his mind that he was too weak at the moment. He would have to find someway to improve himself beyond simply fighting the creatures that spawned in the three floors he had access to at the moment. Perhaps Ares would be able to offer some suggestions? Well, he would have to make it back to the Coliseum first, probably get an earful for the waste of her gift while he was at it. [color=ed1c24]“Go do what you came to,”[/color] he told Vincent as he waved away the other man. [color=ed1c24]“I’ll be fine after a bit of rest.”[/color] The feeling had already returned to much of his body and even if it was a task to stand at the moment, Alexander felt that it wouldn't be long until he could move under his own ability. Not swiftly perhaps, but enough that he didn't need to burden the other man. [color=ed1c24]"Stay away from the fourth floor though... The Floor Guardian is probably more than a bit upset."[/color]