[b]Dallas, Lux Astra HQ[/b] [@darkwolf687] [@RomanAria] The life of the HQ was very simple, Lux Astra allowed the Stars that guarded them to move around freely, even within Dallas, so long as they stayed safe and were back at the HQ before 11pm. However the normal everyday life was broken as two stars working for Lux Astra were called the meeting chambers, Nicholas and Elysia. Upon arriving they saw a few of the adults who worked for Lux, who were mostly ex-Military gathered around the table. The leader of Lux Astra, a non-star only known to the organization as Doctor Gabriel. The only thing they were sure about was that he had a Doctorate in Physics, rumors circulated that he was actually a CEO of a large Texan Oil Company who had been influenced by stars to form Lux Astra. Other rumors stated that he was actually a star himself, with others still saying that he was simply just a man who happened to be against the other tyrannical organizations that dealt with Stars. “Greetings Nicholas and Elysia. Today’s mission is absolutely essential.” said Gabriel, looking at the two. He took a small remote and turned on the room’s projector, showing a picture of a city. “This as most of you know, is the city of Houston. We have identified several stars there, and at that, we have done this before Nova Infinitum, so we need to move quickly before they learn of these stars. However my contacts have informed me that Milites Dei is planning an attack. We need to move quickly.” stated Gabriel, is tone as serious and dry as ever. Gabriel slid a few file folders across the table to Nicholas and Elysia. “These are the stars we are looking for. Prepare for the mission and when you are ready to leave the helicopter is waiting where it always is.” finished Gabriel. [b]New York City, Nova Infinitum HQ[/b] Berthold began walking down the halls of the HQ, holding a large cup of coffee in one hand, with his laptop tucked under his other arm. He wore the standard Nova Infinitum uniform. As he arrived in the laboratory he however saw Andromeda crying with her nose bleeding. He quickly sat down both his coffee cup and laptop and picked up the remains of Andromeda’s soggy documents. He grabbed a few tissues and handed them to her, while helping her up into another chair. “Are you alright Andromeda?” asked Berthold, with concern in his voice.