Let me know if this is alright. [Hider=Litheal Candles] Name: Litheal 'Lit' Candles [Hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/srUrYMc.jpg[/img][/hider] Male [u]Age[/u] 23 [u]Nationallity[/u] [i]Chinese[/i] [u]Biography[/u] Litheal returned to Nakalla after leaving, he left with harsh words and vulgar finger expressions calling the town too "peaceful" and that he wanted to seek out chaos and war. Six years had passed since he left and returning he now had a new admiration for the peaceful place he grew up. Seeing the world and the disdainful culture of bloodshed in the neighboring towns he knew that he was in the right place to settle down. This was until the nightmares and flashbacks started haunting his daily routines, he drank to drown the memories out. Giving him the title of the town drunk, you can usually find him laying in the fields with a bottle no further than arms reach and a sincere smile on his face as he takes another swig. Although not a nasty drunk, he is careless and seems to stir up trouble in his episodes of falling through windows and bumping into people on the streets. [u]Other[/u] 1. was an Orphan 2. does not have a place to live, so besides the cash he earned traveling, he has only the clothes on his back and a backpack of fine spirits he acquired on his journey. 3. Has a positive attitude towards everybody. [/hider]