[center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/3380000/3380551_1381149278905.65res_300_300.jpg[/img] [h2]Team Jun: Gin Kakiyama, Location: Unknown[/h2][/center] Numb. Cold. Alone...Gin had given up on the idea of rescue that day. It was the only thing going for him, the only thing that pushed him towards a light, any light, that would make his hell better but the higher he tried putting himself the harder the fall was. He body consistant shivered from the AC and the sound of the water dropping onto the table would make him flinch each time. Two figures had entered into the picture, one Gin had to desperately try to contain the immediate fear from running into him and the other he wasn't too sure about but nonetheless left him on high alert, though that wouldn't mean much in this case. The one had left which left Gin to relax slightly but remained on edge as the other approached him. He didn't watch him approach, but rather another set of feet on the ground showed the man had made his way to hm. He didn't bother to look up at the man while he read off his profile only to respond to "Konoha" with clenched teeth and a heavy sigh and a slight growl. [color=aba000]"Hah, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Gian, and I'll be your best friend today, Gin. And I can see we have at least one thing in common. Guess what it is? If you do, I'll release you from those chains so you can stretch a bit, how does that sound? Oh, and I'm one to give lots and lots of second chances, so if you miss I guess you can also answer this: Why do you think you're here?" [/color] He raised his head a fraction as he let out a chuckle. [color=00aeef]"Best friend-"[/color] He shook his head. He remained quiet for what seemed to be minutes. [color=00aeef]"Betrayal? Betrayal from the place you called home. The place you wanted to be considered valuable? Only when you do what you think is right, they toss you away. Make you feel inferior. Why? Because you weren't a prodigy, you weren't some...fucking family heir. No, you were a fucking foreign nobody that is nothing but an expendable piece of shit. I doubt it."[/color] Raising his head only to look at the man's chin. He almost whispered his answer with venom laced in each word. If the man could see it, which he most likely could, would be the anger that was building up with each word as well until the end where his face would show nothing but fatigue. He then was silent again for what seemed to be another minute be for this time he looked up at him a smug look on his face but not because he felt cocky but rather he kinda had an idea for what it was for. [color=00aeef]"I'm thinking that maybe..."[/color] He paused only to look at the ground and then over to the table. The sound of dripping subconsciously caused him to flinch but as he stared at it he couldn't help it. [color=00aeef]"I.....I don't know."[/color] His head dropped down. He was to tired to keep looking at him. He stayed in silence as he thought about what had happened to him since his time at the castle till now. [color=00aeef]"I guess I was born to just be a fucking used over and over again until left for dead."[/color] He mumbled to himself. [hr] [center][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/t8kp3b.jpg[/IMG][/center] Cho could here the sounds of the barbecue being prepared over the rain from the room he was in. He sat on a chair as he held an ice pack against his head. He was being taken care of by one of the Akimichi medical nins. She was Bandaged up with a few stitches were his trophy for the spar.[color=f7941d]"Stupid stupid stupid, why was I so careless. I could've had that in one or two more hits."[/color] He said with frustration as he let out a heavy sigh. [color=00a651]"But you didn't because your still young and your still learning."[/color] He looked up to see his father standing in the door way of the room, a lopsided grin upon his face. The nurse looked over at Chokuto and had paused when he gestured for her to stay. Chokashi on the other, frowned at his father. His father looked him up and down as he moved into the room towards his son. [color=f7941d]"We are all always learning pops, that still is no excuse f-"[/color] [color=00a651]"If it was a life or death situation yes I would agree...But this was spar. We spar to find out our strengths and weaknesses."[/color] [color=f7941d]"But after all the times I've trained-"[/color] [color=00a651]"You expected the fight to be in your favor."[/color] Cho's father grabbed a chair and moved it next to his son. [color=00a651]"Understand this. Your a great Akimichi and a great ninja...Choji would be proud. But we're not meant to win everything." [/color] His son looked down at the floor when he let out a chuckle after a moment. [color=f7941d]"I almost had him."[/color] [color=00a651]"Yeah well you got a long way to be on my level. Oh s-s-sorry Cho!"[/color] Chokashi letting out a silent painful scream as his father slapped his back before realizing that his son had bruising along his back. His son waved him off as the pain started to subside. [color=00a651]"Well. When you start to feel better we could use your help outside...or the mess hall... either one.[/color] [color=f7941d]"Outside?"[/color] [color=00a651]"Yeah, we have some outdoor stages and eating areas that still need to be set up under some pavilions we built. Also we need help setting up a roof at the entrance of the compound."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Alright. I'll be out in a hour or so."[/color] Chokuto stood up from his seat and made his way to the door, giving his son the thumbs up. [color=00a651]"Still proud of ya Cho. Put on a good fight. Just be sure train more."[/color] His father's voice would slowly fade as Cho looked at the doorway and then up to the ceiling. A few Akimichi members would make their way over to Daisuke, Aoi and Chi, gesturing for Chi to come along, mostly to show where the young heir would be seated during the barbecue. [color=ed1c24]"Seriously Chokuto!? You gave me a fucking monk to help out here? Jesus Christ kid I hope you have a working knowledge of carpentry cause we don't have all day!"[/color] A rather harsh, raspy voice came from behind Daisuke as another [url=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/uB3RI2_yEjY/0.jpg]large man[/url] made his way over to him, picking his nose before flicking whatever it was off into the ground somewhere to his side. He was shorter than Daisuke and Chokashi but carried himself in a matter that showed authority. He wore a bandana across his head and with an open shirt and a pair of jeans and boots, obviously soaked in a mixture of sweet and rain. He carried a duffle bag with him inside containing clothes for Daisuke to work in. He seemed to eye up Daisuke and then noticed Aoi before giving her a nod, his frown becoming more prevalent as he released a heavy sigh. [color=ed1c24]"I'll make my greeting short and simple. Name's Fugaki Akimichi, senior carpenter here in the Akimichi compound as well as head of security. I was told I was gonna get some help but I was expecting-"[/color] He sighed as he tightened pulled out a cigarette as he let the comment hang in the air, lighter making its way up to the end of the cig before lighting it and gesturing to Daisuke with his hand, suggesting that he wasn't what Fugaki wanted. He held the cig with his thumb and index finger while shielding it from the rain with his other fingers. He looked up at Aoi with slight confusion, pointing up at her with cigarette in hand. [color=ed1c24]"Are you going to be up there the entire time? Never mind don't answer that...You come with me."[/color] He threw Daisuke the bag as he began walking towards the exit and to the left, towards one of the current pavilions, the largest of the three, being built.