Nai was enjoying her meditation while planning her vengeance on the guard captain and the mayor, when she realized that Alex was making some noise and talking to someone, so the mage quickly pulled herself away from her trance. Something was going on, it seemed that woman in the other cell was doing something and it made Alex feel quite uncomfortable. Without second thought, Nai pushed her weak body to it’s limits and almost jumped to the cell’s bars… almost. She nearly crumbled, hitting her head on the metal bars, but managed to put her mutated arm through the bars and keep herself half standing up. She was barely able to notice that the woman was doing something with her hands, but broke eye contact with that hand almost immediately.[b][color=6ecff6]” Alex! Come here!”[/color][/b] Nai said as she was at the front of the cells next to the wall. [color=6ecff6][b]“Also you there stop that or I will make sure the person who is getting us out, will ignore you!”[/b][/color] Nai threatened the girl. She purposely didn’t look in the direction of the hand as she surmised from the way Alex acted that girl was doing something unnatural. It was enough to say to Gippal that girl was trying to do something to Alex it he probably will let her rot. As Gippal, that hated woman and some more guards appeared, Nai’s attention was brought away from the strange girl who was making some suspicious moves at Alex it seemed and concentrated on the strange little comedy going on between the ship captain and the guard captain. Well that was not important as the woman stated they were going to wear the criminal brands… This wasn’t the greatest thing to happen, especially considering both of them with Alex didn’t really do anything deserving of such treatment… much less for a red band.[color=6ecff6][b]” Let’s get this over with faster…”[/b][/color] Nai muttered as she was released from her cell. With some help she finally was outside of it. Her legs felt shaky, but for some reason her mutated arm was clenched. At the injustice they were facing Nai almost regretted not having the mutated body from her nightmare a few days ago. Still she suppressed her anger for now.[color=6ecff6][b]” Alex, you okey? Did she do something to you?”[/b][/color] The mage asked quietly, concerned if that sickly drugged girl did something to her friend. She had already started creating a list for exacting vengence, one more name to it wasn't going to make much difference...