"This is going swimmingly I think." Baihu smiled to his guards as they untied his straight jacket, "Isn't the weather beautiful today? You can almost smell the smog of the factories from here!" The routine had been in place for as long as the Chinese boy had been in Nova Infinitum, it had been like this. Straight jackets, isolation cells, heavy security, one might feel bad for him. In truth however, one should feel worse for poor bastards watching over him. Baihu wasn't the... easiest of characters to guard. The straps fell to the ground and something else did too, something clunker. One of the guards leaned down and picked up a handgun that fell out of Baihu's shirt. He just stared at him before throwing it to a corner, having someone else remove it. Of Baihu's skills, smuggling was his chief attribute. When ever the guards searched the boy and found a gun, he'd manage to amass an armory somewhere else. At this point all but the most zealous guards who brownnossed their commanders bother searching him. There was no point to it. "Hey hey hey, easy on the Glock there Jerry, " Baihu tilted his head at the guard, "That's a modified one I got from a good fellow in the middle east." The guard (who wasn't actually named Jerry), rolled his eyes and punted Baihu out of the room. Baihu angrily shook his fist at Jerry for possibly dirtying his pants but like usual, he was ignored. After picking himself up, the smuggler maniac strod down the hall, wondering what would be for breakfast, what would he be assigned and how long until he'd manage to get himself back into solitary. So important many questions he had while walking towards the cafeteria, as of right now the most propionate was "is the food actually edible this time?"