-I actually meant a description like most CS' but w/e, it's actually not important at all lol. -It's a joke because almost all female characters are bi or lesbian and we have two lesbo couples already. -How about [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/filthy-frank/images/6/6b/Red_Dick.png/revision/latest?cb=20150108123022]Red Dick[/url]? -k -Gin was an ambassador? Thought he was too much of a pussy really. Well w/e see with Fallen about that one. As for the position in itself, isn't it a pretty serious position given to people of trust? One would think her lineage would make it easier through some form of nepotism operating in the shadows. -Okay so just her speshul AB- special snowflake blood. Alright -Okay so tediously slow drinking away -Seems legit -Obito, Madara and Sasuke would disagree. Okay sure, that seems balanced enough. Just deal with the ambassador shit to make her, you know, LEGIT.