[hider= Shopping? Again!?] Moros smiled happily and let out a yell of excitemnt as he jumped out the doors of school. Now they had the whole weekend and what more there was an awesome tournamnet being held. What more was there to ask for? "Ready to duel this weekend?" he jovially asked Cecile. Giggling softly at Moros' display of excitement Cécile pondered his question moemntarily. "Well I've modified a bit of my deck again, plus I have a new card that I feel really suits my deck...So I guess we'll just have to wait and see!" She winked playfully at him. "Though I must admit," Cécile spoke a bit less enthusiastically. "I'm not sure how I feel about these new cards. Phase Shift seems a bit odd. Not to mention we saw them a good bit of time before they came out. What's with that?" Moros thought about it briefly, "Maybe that TV show was like part of an advirtisment for the new card? Or maybe some kind of beta testing to make sure they worked properly with the duel disks. Its so cool how you're always making changes to your deck to make it better. I hope one of us wins the tournament and gets a cool custom card, I'd really like that." Moros said talking quickly and getting more excited as he thought about it. "Well I mean, if I didn't keep changing things up then my deck would get more predictable. That is most definitely not allowed! As for that [i]T.V. show[/i] as you seem to think. I haven't seen anything about that. Also why would they beta test it in the middle of a public place like that? And what about what Adrien told me about the others in the warehouse? It just doesn't add up...Oh well. In the end one of us will probably win the tournament. If it's a one of a kind custom card made just for you, what would you want Moros?" Cécile had somewhat gone on a rant and finally decided to slide back to the topic at hand. Moros considered the question. He hadn't thought about what kind of card he would want. "Hm, maybe some card for my extra deck since I don't have anything in there. But I don't have any tuners so it couldn't be a synchro monster, and I don't have any fusion cards either. I guess the only card I could really use in my extra deck would be some sort of XYZ monster." Moros said thoughtfully. "But I bet you already know what kind of card you would want right?" Blinking a few times Cécile finally laughed a bit. "But of course! I want my own unique Red-Eyes. Of course that's completely obvious probably, but I want my deck to be even more unique than Adrien's. We have a few differences here and there, and a couple of monsters to distinguish our decks, but if I could get my own card, and it would be a one of a kind. Well that would just truly set ours decks apart!" Near the end of her mini speech the excitement that picked up was overly obvious at the thought. Moros smiled, Cecile got so excited over deck-building, even more than he did. "Well I think thats a great idea, I wouldn't like knowing someone who was using the exact same deck as me. That would be no fun at all." "Hey! We don't have the exact same! They just have a lot of the same base. For one he has the Dark Armed Dragon, and for me I have my Trident Dragon!" Cécile retorted defensively. Moros held his hands up placatingly, "Hey, hey, I was just generalizing. I'm sure they have very important distinctions that anyone could tell if they took a good look at it." Cécile couldn't help but giggle. She couldn't pretend to be upset with Moros at all. "Tis true. Oh by the way. Have you been able to make any cool changes to your deck lately? I've been meaning to ask." Speaking a little sheepishly realizing how self absorbed she might have gotten. Moros shrugged, "Eh, I've looked at some cards but my stomach wins the trade more often than not between those two choices. So I haven't gotten much new cards, just a few touches here and there. Thats part of why I want to win this tournament, I think I could really use something to spice up my deck a little." Cécile gave Moros a pouting look. "But you gotta change things up! Come on! Surely you can do more than just a tid bit here and there! And it's not like you have to win the tournament card to do that either!" Cécile wrapped her arms around one of Moros' arms and started to drag him as she usually did. "Come on, we gotta get you ready for this tournament!" Moros didn't even bother sighing at the inevitable latching onto and subsquent dragging of his arm. "Cecile come on, not everything has to change, if it ain't broke don't fix it right?" he asked knowing his question would no doubt be ignored and they would go card shopping because he didn't have the heart to refuse. Then he would tell her he couldn't afford them and then she would pay for them and he would feel bad just like had happened when she got his duel disk for him. "Come on it'll be fun, just trust me!" Cécile responded as she dragged away swatting his comment down in flames. "Besides I think I have an idea to get some synchros in your deck! And as I've proven so many times to people around here, they are clearly the superior monsters!" And as such she began to drag him to the closer card shop this time. Moros followed obligingly, "Alright fine, after all if you do it then it can't be that bad." he said they made their way to the card shop. "How do you plan on me using synchros anyway?" he asked curiously. Cécile gave Moros a sly smile. "Now that dear Moros, is a surprise! Now come on!" After that statement Cécile began to start running and dragging Moros along for the ride. Moros quickly got his feet and began running with her, with how often she dragged him places and him biking most of the time he was actually rather fit at this point. "Come on," he said as he easily kept pace with her, "At least give me a hint." he pleaded.[/hider]