[@Zetsuko] [color=7bcdc8]"Don't get me wrong, I actually prefer when you shut up. But I can say that about way too many people already, so I don't want you thinking you're too special."[/color] Although he kept from looking at the other boy while he spoke, he still took his hand and used the opportunity to spin under his arm and behind where he stood. [color=7bcdc8]"Besides, you're going to bother me eventually, so might as well...what was that word? Multitask, I think?"[/color] Without waiting much longer, he began running for the swing, making it across and grabbing the net without too much trouble before climbing out of the way for Nerva to follow. [color=7bcdc8]"It really has been a while, though; I don't even remember how long. Not much different, though. Same plan as always, travel, perform, repeat. It's been getting things done until now, for the most part. What about you?"[/color]