[quote=@Aerandir] True but how instantaneous it is is a bit too much. I'm just saying tone it down. It's something Urick and Gippal will instantly drop them for if they continued to talk like that. Also I will post later today. Kinda got caught up playing ffx [/quote] Haven't most of that from Nai been more been thoughts and grumbles? And Alex said nothing of revenge, just that she would be hesitant to help them if Sin or Thane came destroying the town. Again. And of course it would be instantaeous when it comes to being mad of something and thinking dark thoughts. It's like Someone stepping on your toe. You curse, you holler you yell, you get mad at them and swear payback. But then after a bit of time it devolved to grumbles then put it out of mind. Then again, my mind is fuzzy on what they've already said. XDtoo tired. But mostly Nai just talked of revenge while Alex was just ramming things and poking fun at her for plotting revenge. And revenge could entail harmless or harmful methods. But hey, if they get dropped, means they can get into more mischief xD