[b]Manny Rodriguez West Hollywood, California[/b] [hr] A low guttural groan escaped the lips of a young man as he turned over in his bed, the sunlight invading his sleepy eyes. He quickly covered them and turned back over to look at the clock. It was 2:00 in the afternoon which prompted another groan from Manny Rodriguez. "Oh fuck off are you serious?" Manny had just performed at a gig the night before and like usual he woke up late with a massive hangover. He surely loved to drink, but hated how he felt the next day. As usual he would whine and pout that he would never drink again but would do it the next night. After clasping his hands over his face for a few minutes, he finally forced himself out of bed and into the restroom where he proceeded to puke his guts out in the toilet. He normally took some pain pills before passing out, be he forgot to do so which he for sure felt the consequences. One of the reasons he was so pissed was because he was supposed to wake up a bit earlier to film a video. On top of being a makeup artist and a drag queen, he filmed makeup tutorials and posted them onto YouTube. He barely started his channel a few months ago and already had over 300,000 subscribers. Obviously people liked his work. He was known for making glam makeup and also SFX gore makeup. Not to mentioned when he did gigs around the countries, he made sure to tell them about his channel so they could see his work. His channel and drag got him makeup jobs on movie sets and other exciting things. After Manny got himself together, he made sure to put some nourishment into his system. As he was eating some leftover pizza he had in the fridge, he multi-tasked with setting up his ring lights to film his video. He set up his makeup mirror and finally turned on the camera. The look he was going for was to transform himself into Lana Del Ray and then turn himself into a zombie version. After filming, he put his things away and edited his [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvmHteOu8z4]video[/url] to upload. When Manny had turned on the television, immediately there was a breaking news about EVOs. His kind always made front line news since they were exposed. He put his hand over his mouth when the showed footage of none other than Claire Bennett getting shot in the head during a press conference. He shook his head, knowing what was soon to come. This was going to spark outrage and this is just what they didn't need. Hopefully the blonde girl would be alright since she could heal, although he didn't know how well since she was shot in the head. When the news was over, he grabbed his things and headed outside to his car. He had to make it to Studio City for a movie set job he was hired for last week. A horror movie which he was excited to be apart of. He also had a drag gig that night at Rage so he hoped he would be able to make it. Rage was the biggest gay club in LA and they paid big bucks especially since he was so popular. Not long before he made it outside of his apartment, there were people rioting in the streets. This was exactly what he predicted. Manny made sure to jump out of the way before he got hit with glass bottles from these angry people, most of whom were either EVOs or people that didn't like us. Manny suddenly jumped in front of his car as someone was about to break his windows in. "Unless you want your ass whooped, I suggest you not," Manny said sternly. Without hesitation, the man ran off and began busting up other people's cars. Just then he felt a rumble beneath the ground like a mini earthquake. An earthquake was the last thing they needed right now. However something caught his glance from far away that was really tall and moving. Manny couldn't quite catch a glimpse of it so he concentrated and turned on his ability. His eyes turned into a microscope and zoomed in on the moving figure until it seemed he was directly in front of it. It was a Hispanic looking woman stomping around causing trouble. An EVO obviously as no ordinary chick can make herself the size of a building. After she went out of view, Manny reset his eyesight and jumped into his car, driving off to the movie set. He was not about to stick around for this and his money was more important.