[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/euqf3Ew.png[/img] [h1]Nobunaga Inuzuka[/h1][/center] [hr] Nobunaga stood at attention as Seta arrived to meet with the team. It would only be four people to handle this mission and Nobu was rather fine with that. Four was the usual number for teams of ninja which helped create tighter teamwork for them to go off on. Akio was to be the leader of their team and calling all the shots. He had never actually held long interactions with Akio excluding a select few missions. Missions where they acted as team members solely to complete their given mission. It was a wonder to the Inuzuka if this would be the same. Maybe they could actually form a bond that was lacking in the past. His eyes shifted from Akio to Reihana and then Seta who had arrived to complete their team. Once Seta had arrived, Akio began to explain just what they be doing. As she talked, Nobu dropped to one knee to begin petting Oichi in the open part of her armor. Akio gave Nobu a bit of praise on his ability to keep a cool head and everything weighed on two factors, the first team's ability to keep the Hojo talking, and the second team's infiltration. If either failed then one could be in serious trouble. Nobu wondered how things would play out if the second team had been caught. Would they have to fight their way out? That wouldn't bode well but maybe that was what Ayame wanted. Nobu looked out the corner of his eye, a jaded thought running through his mind. A purposeful failure to the mission would only work against Nobunaga's goal of ending Ayame's reign eventually. A sigh echoed from his mouth as he stood back to eye level with the rest of the shinobi. [color=f26522]"Rei and I will keep them talking and find the right words to expose any information. A true animal can sense a fool's words." [/color]