Kokoro nervously fidgeted in her seat, the rocking of the supply wagon doing little to curb her anxiety. A plethora of questions and second thoughts ran circles through her mind, gaining momentum the longer she sat, and the closer she got towards the Moving, the location of the resistance. Would she be found out? Is she capable of reaching her goal? Can she even handle the tasks given to her? By the time she nearly thought of just curling up and hiding inside one of the storage boxes carrying the supplies, the wagon stopped, having reached its destination. Glancing furtively around, she slowly disembarked, before looking about. Her anxiety and stress that was built up over the course of her journey was unable to be released, as she drew the gazes of curious onlookers. Avoiding eye contact, she weaves her way through the crowd, aiming to reach a more secluded area, preferably at the edge of the camp, while attempting to ignore everyone. Despite wearing armor, she still felt slightly out of place amongst all the gruff and well-built people around. However, before she could move too deeply through, someone had placed a hand on her shoulder. Barely managing to keep herself from shrieking at the unexpected contact, she stiffly turned around to meet a man. [b]"I hope you aren't too weary from your travels, Kokoro, but the boss, Tengu, wants you to work for him. Allow me to guide you there."[/b]. Finding herself far too strained to speak, Kokoro could only give a stiff nod as a positive response to the man. Being led in a winding, almost maze-like pattern, Kokoro was easily confused as they neared the rather normal tent, yet seemingly guarded quite heavily. Was this the place that she was suppose to meet this Tengu? Nervously glancing at the guards, the weapons in their hands, the messenger behind her, she got a short, [b]"Go on."[/b] from the man, before he moved on, presumably to collect yet another person. Sighing in an attempt to relieve her pent up stress, she shifted aside the entrance flap of the tent, before blinking in surprise. A cavern entrance, behind the tent? This was most likely not a simple coincidence. Slowly walking deeper in, her footsteps easily heard as they echoed. [color=#FF0000]"H-hello?"[/color] A nervous greeting, to whatever was hidden in the shadows.