Eva had fallen asleep rather quickly after everyone left. Curled up in a ball under Gippal's jacket. But rest did not come to her. Her mind was at war with itself, between horrifying dreams to peaceful ones. She saw people who she knew...yet couldn't remember anything about them...especially the boy with the long blonde hair and kind smile, and [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2790323]wearing a green cape and brown clothes[/url] She felt a strong connection to him...he meant everything to her...yet for the life of her she didn't know why... flashes of what seemed like different memories of him laughing, smiling or trying to cheer her up with an exotic looking lilly. But then it quickly turned for the worst as the same boy was bleeding badly and laid helpless against a stump. Looking to her left she saw Sin, and the tornado that seemed to engulf it... This had scared her right out of her dreams and onto the floor, crying. After a few minutes of sobbing on the cold floor she calmed down, a little. She then saw a pot of exotic lilly's on the middle table...just like in her dream. She stood up and moved over to them slowly, as if one wrong step would cause them to explode, or perhaps send her to a different dream if she still was dreaming. She hesitantly picked up one flower and held it so carefully that one would think if she squeezed it anymore it would puff into dust. She placed the pedals to her nose and took a deep breath. Instantly she knew...this was her favorite flower. Not just now, but from before...this was her favorite. This was the one he gave her all the time... She hesitated. Remembering more of the blond haired boy who now seemed to be more real. He did. He did give her a fresh vase of these lilly's every week. But still... she couldn't remember his name for the life of her. But she knew he was real for sure, and that he cared for her. She smiled at the smell and the new found knowledge and pressed the flower to her chest as she looked around the room. A new set of clothes very similar to the ones she wore was draped over a chair. Looking down at her own clothing she saw it was in dire need of cleaning. Placing the lilly back into the vase she turned to the bathroom and decided to clean herself up quickly, In case Gippal and the others were to return at any moment. It didn't take long to clean up after taking a quick shower and washing all of the sand off her. She even cleaned her clothes and Gippal's jacket as well, finding it odd even to herself as she did this... perhaps she had to do this while growing up, and it just was natural to her. She hummed to herself as she set the clothes to dry and changed into the ones the priests laid out for her. They were simple yet very comfortable, and she was cool while wearing it in this humid weather. She looked for her staff and realized that it was gone. She frowned, Gippal had bought her that one when they escaped Thane. Lost to the Sea now. She sighed and walked out of the room slowly, her sense of uneasiness coming back but somehow kept at bay now. She jumped at the sound of a priestess coming up behind her and saying hello. While the priestess apologized for scaring her she shook her head. [color=ed145b][b]"No no, it is OK. Always good to see if the heart is working properly.[/b][/color] She said with a smile to help show that she wasn't angry that she was scared. [color=ed145b][b] I'm looking for my friends, er, Guardians that were with me...do you know where they went?[/b][/color] The priestess nodded, "Yes, they went to the Youth league headquarters, I can have some of the priests escort you if you like Lady summoner." Eva hesitated, should she go? Or should she stay here? She was deathly afraid of the Kilika town, but not the temple....She will have to go that way anyway. Steeling her self she nodded, [color=ed145b][b]"I would greatly appreciate that."[/b][/color] -------------------------------------------------------- Soon Eva found herself in the middle of the town of Kilika, yet it still was frightening to her, and wanted anything to be back at the temple. But she focused on the lilly she held from her room back at the temple. For some reason it was giving her comfort and strength just knowing how it connected her to her past and her past was here in the town as well. Perhaps she would remember something, she doubted it though. Kilika was so big now with multiple layers to the town on the water. Nothing looked familiar, perhaps that too was helping her not freaking out as well. There was nothing that looked familiar. The progress was slow as they squeezing though crowds of people, People who had heard of the return of the Aeons, and the attack on Besaid and all the airships looked at Eva strangely, being flanked by four priests, and her attire as a Summoner. Suddenly a massive older looking man stopped infront of her. He looked to be in his late forties early fifties, with no shirt. He had a small Gut but the rest of his body was in perfect shape, his face was square, and his eyes were squinting down at her. He didn't say a word as he cocked his head to the side when he studied her. A female voice came from behind him. "What is it Barthello?" Eva looked behind him to see a very dark skinned woman walk up from behind him, She walked with grace and while being around the same age as Barthello, she looked still a bit younger. She had stopped with a surprised look on her face at seeing Eva. Silence seemed to engulf them for what felt like forever. She then asked, "Have we met before?" Eva turned red with embarrassment, [color=ed145b][b]Um, I don't...think so. I well...wouldn't even know if we did. I.[/b][/color] The woman placed her hand on her chin and leaned in slightly, Studying her closely. "You seem like a summoner, but you couldn't be who I was thinking of...you are much to young to possibly be her." Eva perked up at her mentioning, ok maybe not her, but possibly her mother?! [color=ed145b][b] Who are you thinking of? I've been trying to find out about my past, yet I don't have any memories past two years ago.[/b][/color] The woman sighed and said, "Sadly I don't even remember the girls name, but you reminded us of her. It was back before my pilgrimage, a priestess who looked alot like you was studying to be a summoner here in Kilika." Eva got excited and before she could ask her next question the woman seemed to know it already, "She disappeared during the last attack on Kilika from Sin." Eva's shoulders dropped and the woman sighed. "sorry I couldn't give you more information, My name is Dona By the way, who may you be?" Eva looked up and smiled. [b][color=ed145b]"My name is Eva...and that's all I really know, besides that I just recently became a summoner." [/color][/b] Dona raised her eyebrows, "A Summoner? Not even a day after the Fayth's are back and there is a new Summoner? Hmph." She chuckled at the oddity. Eva shook her head, Even she was still surprised at everything that had happened in the last two days. A crowed had started to form around them, and as she looked around, at all the faces, she did notice Saina in the distance...well first her blue chocobo, Mercury. Then her. She bowed to Dona, "Excuse me lady Dona, I need to speak with my friend." She waved her hands at Saina and slowly made her way to her...her anxiety growing with everyone crowding her now as they found out she was a summoner. "ehh..." She gripped the lilly more to her chest... She really needed to get to her friends, anyone that was a familiar face.