[b]Peter Petrelli - Austin,Texas - The Diner[/b] Peter returned Noah's glare with equal animosity this whole situation was turning out to be rather bad. "Yeah there's a-lot of things I don't like get over it." Peter remarked snidely to Noah's remark, he was tense about the entire situation with Claire. "Now come on Noah, I may not be in the throes of combat myself, but I've never left you hanging. No matter the circumstances I do happen to have a plan. Any ideas you have of trying to mess with the past let it go, I promise you we don't need any more temporal hi-jinks, over the years they've always done more bad then harm. Los Angeles is the center of everything about to go down, that woman who was exposed using her power on television Elena Reese, you need to get her. We may not be able to save everyone ourselves, especially with the condition our new "company" is in." She said the last part with disappointment, apparently the group they were struggling to re-create wasn't all that good. "Ever since that camp when the Company was put together I vowed to never let this day come to pass, and as the last founding member I realize we've failed. Not just with our mission but with our original intent, it was impossible to keep the wraps on these abilities forever. Now our goal isn't to hide from the world, it's to go against it." "Go against the world mom have you lost your mind!?" Peter barked cutting off Angela, he didn't want to hear her go on and on about the Company and what use to or could have been. He was focused on the present, in the dangerous Brave New World that had been created by Claire exposing her power to the world. "No Peter, I've not lost my mind! Elena Reese is the key you need to retrieve her, she's the face we can use, to rally our people and bring them together. A wave of violence is coming, and we need to be able to not only swim in this blood, but be ready to spill some ourselves. There's no peaceful resolution in sight, a war is coming and we need to be ready not just for the battle, but more importantly for what comes after. My most recent dream involved Claire in pain, lots of dead bodies in L.A, and I saw Elena inside that testing facility. You recall the phrase one of us, one of them right Bennet? Well my son's your new partner, and this is your assignment head to that facility in a few hours, and spring out Reese, but not just her free as many of us as we can. No need for discretion, anyone in your way eliminate them, Peter your brother is dead, your father thankfully so as well, they were good men but you are great, despite everything you're the one that's survived. There's a reason for that, you have your mission now go I have other matters to attend. Go on boys, oh and Noah you don't mind covering the bill right? " Angela said the last part rhetorically as she got up from her table and slid out the booth heading outside as a car pulled up. She turned to them one more time before getting in the vehicle and riding off as Peter sighed. [i]A war? Nathan...I told you I'd be strong, but this..this is crazy.[/i] Peter knew things were going to get bad, but not as fast as they were. His phone buzzed and he reached in his pocket seeing a message from Matt telling him "it's on the laptop.". "You heard my mother didn't you? Sounds like we've got an assignment. Parkman just texted me he sent everything to my laptop, so how about we head to my place look it over, and then prison break." He knew he was oversimplifying how this would go, but he'd been having nightmares himself about the future so he knew his mother was right, there was no peaceful resolutions for their kind in the near future. [b]Max Stross, Big Bear Lake California - Meeting Point[/b] A helicopter was seen landing near the Olympus agents and the unconscious special. Max emerged from the vehicle gun in one hand and fiji water in another. He had a big smile on his face as he saw Elena laying on the ground cuffed and immobile. "Ah it's always a wonderful site to see those who seek to tear apart the fabric of society at our mercy, all of you are getting promotions, and a big financial bonus. Props on not leaving a trail of dead police in your wake, although it makes for a less dramatic tale when the media gets wind of this." Max said as he stepped over to Elena and put his foot against her head before kicking her in the stomach. Max then reached down and picked her up tossing her over his shoulders. "Alright that being said everyone on board, I'm assuming you followed Olympus protocol and set up explosives to get rid of any evidence. We need to evacuate this area, I'm heading to the testing facility in L.A taking her to the interrogation unit, I'll handle that myself, I need you all to return to head quarters when I left I was getting word of the protesting downtown getting pretty violent." "Boss...it got worst, I think you might want to hear this come on." Max raised an eye as he made his way over to the helicopter instructing the rest of the Olympus agents to do the same. Within minutes they were boarded and leaving the area, as Max punched a wall listening to the field report he'd been given. "A special who could make herself bigger went and attacked the protests?!!!? Where the hell is she?!!!" "Well I'm assuming if the ability is to grow larger, it includes..a reversal at least to return to normal size. So I'm guessing after the attack.. "Shut up! Obviously this individual can return to normal height I'm sure someone wold have noticed fucking Goliath walking around, that's not exactly a discreet ability. I want Olympus co-operating with every law enforcement agency to track this woman down, you said the LAPD's set up road blocks across the city, not just L.A we need to extend those blocks to all over the state of california, work with police in every county, Feds, anyone on this, she needs to be found, and detained. If you manage to get her, bring her down on site, if you have to kill her, kill her if you can avoid it do so, I'd love to interrogate her personally." Max groaned just when he thought he was one step closer to solving the situation in L.A, another act of violence happened. [i]At least the people are opening their eyes to see these "people" for what they really are, monsters.[/i] A short while later Elena would find herself coming to in a dark room her arms and legs in rubber cuffs. The temperature of the room was extremely cold as well, not to mention she'd been injected with a drug that left her coherent but weary. A Bucket of ice cold water was dumped on her face by Max, who then proceeded to punch her in the jaw before chuckling." Wake up Reese, I sincerely hope you enjoyed that little nap, because I have a couple questions for you and if you value your life, and that if your family you're going to answer them. Starting with who were you working with to wipe out the high school?" Max inquired as he stepped back staring at her awaiting an answer. [b]Blaire Anderson, California - On The Move[/b] Blaire took out her phone to look at the recent news developments about her attack on the city. It was all over the news, multiple channels. Claire's shooting, the protests, and her attack of said protests, she flicked her iPhone as she read another article. "Wow! I'm fucking famous, and my parents always thought Kevin was going to be the star." "Yeah you sound happy, I've never wanted to be in the spot-light myself, but I wouldn't mind some celebrity money and oh shit!" He slammed on the gas seeing a police road block coming up ahead and the subsequent traffic as a result of it. "Fuck..fuck.." "What the fuck!!." "I know look at them, there." "No fuck the police, Elena!" Blaire had just seen she had a missed call from Elena, and hearing the voice message caused some of the color to be drained from her face. While she was out robbing drug dealers, and murdering protesters her friend had been captured. "No No nO!!! I should have been there, they got her! We're almost to the lake, come on come on! If the cops got her maybe we can catch up to her, we have to get her!" "Blaire what the fuck are you talking about? Do you not see all those fucking cops right there! I get it you wanna nab your friend, but you said the fucking Government wants her, she's all over the news, if I got to her I could have fixed up her image, but shit." "Shit nothing! I thought we were partners!" "I mean we are but." Before Ryan could protest Blaire leaned over and kissed him, then put a hand on his face as she stared into his eyes. "But nothing, we're gonna stick together, and get rich. Together we can pull this off, but first we're gonna get my friend, I don't care if the fucking FBI has her, we're getting her. As for the fucking cops, hellooo I'm not even me right now and there not even looking for me duhh these road blocks aren't even for drugs there looking for someone who I don't look like!!" Ryan sighed he seemed hesitant but he liked Blaire, and with the way the tide was turning in the world he wanted to stick with someone who had muscle. He pushed through the traffic, and they got through the road block without incident, Ryan flooring it as they headed up to the cabin at the lake. As they neared the area there ears were assaulted with the blaring of several police sirens. Flashes of blue could be seen everywhere, police from various nearby counties in vehicle's from cruisers to armored trucks were all over the area. Blaire looked around distraught there were officers everywhere and it didn't look like they were going to even get to the cabin. Blaire took out her phone to look up anything about Elena Reese being arrested but couldn't find anything. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!!! Elena! I have to find her, Ryan I've got to get her!" "Blaire think about what the fuck your saying! There everywhere, if anything they got her, and there not putting it on the fucking news. Blaire!" His yelling did nothing to stop Blaire from getting out of the car and closing the door. "Don't be stupid listen Bla-" Before he could speak suddenly everything around Blaire stopped moving, and she stepped back in shock seeing that everything around had come to a halt. "What the hell... R..Ryan why aren't you moving, why isn't anyone else?" Blaire was suddenly overwhelmed with fear looking around not only was everything stopped, but also dead silent. "I bet your wondering why nothing's moving, time manipulation is a pretty useful ability." Blaire whipped around to see a black man with a grotesque scar dressed in all black who appeared to be only person mobile. "Who the fuck are you." Before she could continue speaking she felt an invisible force around her preventing her from moving or talking. "Me...you'll probably meet me soon enough, I'm from the future, a future where we failed, our kind failed, we lost, I came back in time to make sure that didn't happen. Those files you were sent, that was me, you always said you needed to be more aggressive, put these people in their place, make them fear us to gain respect, I use to think you were a sociopath, I still do, but you weren't wrong. If I'd listened to you, maybe we wouldn't have wound up so bad. I came here to deliver a message, the blood tests are just the start, very soon there going to pass the EVO registration act, many of us are going to sit idly by and wait around in suspense for what happens next, not knowing that in our times of waiting we're slowly but furiously being detained and picked off. We spend so much time playing defense they we're too weak to attack. Elena's been taken to the testing center in Los Angeles, they have a detainment center ran by Max Stross, and his private militia Olympus Inc. In short this is what you need to do Get her, then get them." Blaire suddenly felt released from said force, but before she could say anything the scarred man vanished as did his hold on time. Ryan was yelling for her to come back, and her heart was racing as she got back into the car. "What the fuck was wrong with you? We're you really about to try something with all these cops, even if." "No...turn around, let's get the fuck outta here." She didn't have to speak twice as Ryan turned the car around to leave the lake as she shook her head trying to wrap her mind around her visitor from the future. She quickly decided not to inform Ryan as he already seemed stressed enough, besides she was going to get her friend. The last thing he'd said had stuck with her. [i][b]Get her, then get them.[/b][/i] [b]Glen McClure - Brooklyn, New York[/b] "Yo what the fuck bro, do you want to fucking die, I will FUCKING KILL YOU!" Some man had a gun raised to Glen who was dressed business casual looking at the man pointing a weapon at him. On the table was some cocaine bagged and ready to be sold. Outside the room were two bodies riddled with bullets. "I'm not the one that's going to be dying today, that's you and your friends who think you can put this shit out on the streets. Running guns, and selling coke? You're a one man shop for anarchy aren't you, you've got the product people want to get high off, and your selling the products they need to defend their territory to sell them. Not any more it's." Before he could speak the man pulled the trigger firing some bullets into Glen's chest causing him to stumble backwards into the wall. "Fucking idiot, you burst in, her killing my fucking people and try to lecture me!!!" Suddenly the bullets popped out of his abdomen as he began to heal, and his nail was elongated and sharpened instantly piercing through the shooter's brain. His nail retracted becoming a regular finger nail as Glen licked the blood off. "Tastes like bastard." Glen turned to the table kicking it over, then walked over to the dead man and grabbed his gun examining it. "I can add this to the collection. Oh and one more thing. "He took out a sticky note and put it on the wall. He looked it and made his way out, the only word on the note being "Justice."