It watched from the shadows, stalking those that wandered the streets without any worry. It waited in silence for the perfect moment, before a young girl sat on a bench without anyone nearby. It wandered over to the bench and sat beside the girl, not saying a word. "Oh, umm....Hi." The girl said to try and break the silence. She had seen this person around town but they always seemed to avoid people except for a few people. Suddenly It stood up and walked away, leaving an eerie atmosphere in the air. The girl tried to leave but couldn't move, something had grabbed on to her. Before any noise could be made, she was gone. No trace of her was left, not a single sign that she was even here in the first place. Then, the lights came on revealing a lab with tons of chemicals and machinery. The girl was strapped to a table and could see It walking around the lab. "What's going on? What are you going to do to me?" Nothing. Only silence as It started at her, weird pieces of equipment in Its hands. "Let me go! You can't keep me here! Say Something!" More nothingness. No response on any terms. Then the room went black, the only thing that remained were screams and the scent of blood. [hr] [i]Eyes gazed up at the pale blue sky, fluffy white clouds slowly drifting by on this perfect sunny day and the soft lush grass below tempting the person laying there to drift to sleep. A gentle breeze swept through the meadow, gently swaying the long grass and wild flowers that grew in scattered patches throughout the clearing. The sun felt so warm on their skin, the place giving them a sense of complete peace as if nothing horrible could ever happen here and that the world was good. They tried to grasp at the straws of their memory, wondering why they should be worried in a place like this but they couldn't seem to remember no matter how hard they tried. The person slowly pushed off the ground to sit up, shoving some strands of their hair behind the ear as the tresses drifted on the air and they carefully took notice of their surroundings. The area was enclosed with forest, animals scurrying about the trees, others passing on through the meadow as butterflies fluttered about from flower to flower. What could possibly nagging the mind? A butterfly flickered past their vision, catching the attention quickly with its bright blue coloring and followed its movement as it drifted into the distance, only to land on a person to far for the viewer to tell who. They shoved themselves into a standing position, curiously moving forward as the clouds became thicker and signaled a storm approaching in fast. The wind was no longer soft, harsh as it went whipping past and its cold air making their skin sting but they pressed on, a deep need to see the stranger that had invaded the meadow. Each step brought them no closer to their destination as they walked onward, their feet becoming heavier and heavier as if turned to lead. The rain began pouring long ago, chilling to the bone and clothes sticking like a second skin at how soaked they had become. It was at the point that they were ready to give up all hope, hoping to pass out into the blissful darkness that a house came into view. It seemed an odd place to build a house but why the person thought that, even they could not say... The wooden panels of the house steps creaked, this place eerie and filling them with dread even more as they came up to the door. A hand raised to knock but instead drew back, placing it on the knob instead and quietly opening the door. It was so dark, inky blackness stuck to this place as if it grew there and only one source of light was to be shown in the form of a crack under a door opposite to them. They slowly stepped in, passing the stairs and going for the glow of the door. They stood outside it...hesitant as if they knew they couldn't un-see whatever lay beyond this door and shakily they opened it, journeying down into the basement. The door slammed behind them, the sound echoing a bit as their own heartbeat pounded in their ears, a hitch of fear striking up. A soft blue glow appeared, tempting them deeper in and they continued downward only to find what was giving the peaceful light. The same blue butterfly from before but something was wrong, it wasn't fluttering free anymore but trapped in a glass jar as it batted against the clear prison and was so desperate to be free once more. It wasn't the only one on the shelf though it was the only one of color. The other butterflies ebony, sitting so still that the person wasn't sure if they were even alive anymore or even real and something in them snapped. Not waiting for a second, they sprinted to the jar and felt a panicked need to get the butterfly to freedom and get out of this place but no matter how much they attempted to open it, all it lead to was failure. If they thought it wouldn't harm the butterfly than they would have just smashed the glass but that wasn't an option. Suddenly, eyes widened in horror, the blue butterfly twitched and cracking slowly before it didn't move... a dark ebony butterfly forming from the blue ones remains. Startled, mortified, the jar slipped and smashed to the floor but instead of a butterfly was now a girl, her face out of view with her dark locks creating a curtain as she laid in the surrounding shards of glass. It was like lightening struck them and suddenly everything clicked in their mind, a scream ripping through the air and a hand grabbing the intruder from behind and snaring the person in their trap. A sickening smile on their features as they dragged the person away from the woman not minding the tears falling freely as the person in their grasp went to scream the name of the victim laying there...[/i] [color=00aeef][b]"SARAH!"[/b][/color], Nova cried out in full blown panic and jolted up in bed, wetness still staining her cheeks. She looked around quickly, her heart about to race out of her chest as she slowly got her bearings and remembering where she was. She fell back onto the bed, arm covering her cerulean eyes as she let a few deep breaths past through her lips. The thought of her only true friend being out there alone, stuck with some stranger or worse was taking its toll on her and now she couldn't even find solace in her dreams. How long had she been gone? It felt like forever but then again, a week to two weeks was a long time to be missing and even longer if that person was Sarah. The police had made statements, that they were doing everything in their power to find her and such but it was nothing Nova hadn't heard before. The hope of finding her was dwindling and worse yet, there was no evidence or sign of her as if she disappeared which made it all even more sickening her. What kind of person did this to another? They had to have stalked Sarah and even if they didn't than it was too good not to have happened before right? Or maybe it was a cop or someone that knew how to clean up after themselves? To many questions and not enough answers. Nova didn't care what others said, rumors going around that it was the happy ones that always had secrets but it wasn't like that with Sarah. She an honest person and open with her feelings. There was no way she would run away and her parents had let her see Sarah's room and she got to see first hand why Sarah's parents kept telling everyone their daughter had not run away. Nothing was missing. Not a thing. Sarah wasn't stupid, she would have prepared and took the important things such as her money stash with her. It left her with a rock in her stomach and drew her would stay positive. She forced herself out of bed, getting ready for the day before heading out of the dorms. It was still early so she would sit in the quad and maybe do a bit of drawing to relax her plus it might help get that awful dream out of her head. She moved through the crowd, students passing and going about their day and hoping to get some time in with friends before classes. It couldn't be soon enough when she plopped down onto the bench, her hands digging through her bag for the sketch pad when she heard a light coughing sound. She glanced up from her leaned over position, blowing some of her blonde locks out of her face so she could see the person in front of her. The girl had dazzling pink hair, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement and a large grin on her face as she stood there, showing that it really was Nova that she intended to talk to. Nova was tempted to give the girl a smile but instead she was frozen, a camera looking at her and causing her to freeze on the spot. She tried to keep calm and control her shaking as Nova slowly straightened herself up.[color=00aeef]"Um...may I help you?"[/color], she asked, her voice soft and gentle but her nervousness easily slipping through. [color=f49ac2]"Hello, I am Abigail Connelly! I am reporter for the Chronos News Feed and daily blogger. I am doing a report on the disappearance of Sarah Reed and asking around for people's opinions on the matter. I am hoping to hear their views, theories, thoughts, and any information they wish to share on her. I especially wanted to hear your thought, I mean, you are Nova Hale right? It took awhile to find out your name but everyone has said you two were close friends and would love an insiders view. What do you say? Can I interview you?[/color] Nova on the other hand was speechless. She hated video cameras and this subject just was hitting to close to home with the dream and memories of the past being dragged up, looping through her mind. Her fingers curled, slowly opening her mouth to speak before closing it, not trusting her voice as she gave a light nod. [color=f49ac2]"Wonderful! Let me just get you li...Oomph..."[/color], Abigail started before bumping into another student. Abigail quickly turned around to apologize but never got the chance as the other woman spoke up,[color=00a651]What the hell?! Why don't you watch where you are walking?! Don't you know who I am?! I am Tiffany Blake, and just look at what you have done!? You damn riff raff! You and your kind are such a problem! A hassle! If I had it my way, people like you wouldn't be here!"[/color] A dark glare being sent in Abigail's direction as girl tried to wipe and shake off the coffee that had been dumped on her thanks to Abby walking backwards. Nova swiftly stood, glaring at Tiffany and ready to defend Abigail since this rich twit had no right to speak to anyone like that. Tiffany flipped her hair, pouting as she shoved past Abby and making sure to knock down the video camera as she did. It was a small piece of satisfaction but not even close to the one she would feel later when Tiffany got her real pay back. No one messed with her and it was time that noise reporter girl learned that little lesson. Abigail gasped, dropping down and picking up her camera carefully, checking it over with a sigh of relief as nothing seemed to be damaged thank goodness since these were expensive to fix. [color=00aeef]"Is it alright? You aren't hurt, are you?"[/color] [color=f49ac2]"It takes more than that to get me down but thanks."[/color]Abby answered, turning it on to have a look. [color=f49ac2]Oh good, the screen seems to be fine so far. Ready to give this a go?[/color] [color=00aeef]"What is it that you wish to know? I'll try my best to answer but I am not really good at these kinds of things."[/color]Nova rubbed her arm, looking around as if hoping someone would come to her aid and save her from having to stay on camera or even get on camera in the first place.