Regulus' opened his eyes at the sudden sound of music playing from the nearby room. He raised a hand to his face. "Oh for crying out loud shut up," he mumbled and covered his ears with his pillow. A mirror image slid out the right side of his body. It wore red-checkered pajamas, the exact same thing that Regulus wore. It had short blonde hair almost cut to a buzz, bright blue eyes, and a pug nose. The only difference between Regulus and the image was that permanently displayed no emotion on its face while Regulus' was at the time grimacing in pain from the morning music. "God damn it, I hope the zvezda next door doesn't do this daily," he said. This was his first day in this room. Someone from the organization claimed they wanted to put greater study on his abilities and in a single night they moved him and all his belongings to his new quarters. The mirror image stood up and turned to the wall that the music was coming from. It raised a fist and banged hard three times. While it did this, Regulus facepalmed as he realized he took his lord's name in vain. "Well, another thing to admit the next time I go to confession," he thought. He was fully awake now thanks to the obnoxious music from the other side of the wall, the mental effort it took to create his mirror image, and the realization that he started the day by misusing the name of God. He slid out of his blanket into the cold air of his room. His mirror image walked to the other wall and flicked on the light switch. Regulus squinted as bright light flooded the room. He sat still, letting his eyes adjust. He looked at his mirror image and said, "Another day in Infinitum eh Grigori?" Grigori was the name his parents gave to his twin brother. The brother that was born latched onto him. His parents told him that they were conjoined. Something like the Siamese twins he heard of in old freak-shows, except one of the twins was dead. He was creeped out when he used a computer to google what his parents meant. However, that revelation happened a long time ago and lost its edge. According to his parents, moments before the surgeon's knife would separate him from his dead brother, there was a flare of light, a miracle of god. A four-pointed star was all that was left of his brother's body that forever marked Regulus as a zvezda, the Russian term for star. Time revealed what his ability was. Almost at will Regulus could manifest a mirror image of himself from the star on his side. His parents first thought it was the shade of his dead brother. If it was then it showed no will of its own and to Regulus it didn't feel like one. Regulus felt it more like an extension of himself versus a separate entity. He could see through it and make it move but it shows no signs of consciousness. His parents named it Grigori after his dead brother. It was a name that Regulus himself found using, when referring to the mirror image. In many ways though, it was a far lot useful than any brother ever would be. Regulus sighed and got up. He stood up and walked over grabbing a towel and slipping on a pair of sandals. The mirror image picked up a plastic basket carrying a bottle of shampoo and other hygiene products like a toothbrush and floss. He opened the door and stepped to the common area, aiming to see what was on the board before hitting the showers. Grigori turned off the lights and followed right behind him. The supervisor mentioned the night before that part of their research was for him to complete taskings that would appear on the board in the common room. Regulus understood the meaning behind those words. To the organization that caged him it was another step towards their goal. However, he didn't really care for that. To him it meant another step towards repaying the debt his family owed to the organization. A debt which when fully paid would bring his freedom. "And I will finally go home," Regulus thought approaching the common room door.