Saina twitched as she heard Eva's voice, her eyes turning to look at the robe-clad woman first before turning her head to look at her with raised eyebrows. [color=mediumslateblue]"My lady?"[/color] Her eyes fell behind the summoner, noticing the priests that had gathered as well as the crowd. The gathered audience looked with wide eyes between the uncommonly colored chocobo and her pale, ethereal nature. She blinked a few times, putting her partially eaten peach in her pocket and rose up. As she took a few steps down, she bowed her head to the priests behind Eva. As she got closer, she noticed how tightly Eva gripped the flower against her chest, causing her eyes to narrow only a little. Once she was at the bottom of the steps, she pressed her clenched fist over her chest to the priests with her head still down. [color=mediumslateblue]"Thank you for escorting the summoner. Please, I will take it from here."[/color] Though she didn't say it, she certainly did convey the air of a guardian--even if she was still shorter than the summoner herself. The priests nodded in return and went on their way. With another glance at the crowd, Saina grunted and turned to Eva. [color=mediumslateblue]"Eva, let's walk."[/color] The pale guardian placed a frigid hand on the small of the summoners back, ushering her down a side path around the Youth League station which was closed in by the jungle surrounding it. With a cluck of her tongue, Mercury padded behind them, blocking them from the view of anyone wanting to go down the narrow path. At least, with this, the summoner might find comfort in not being painted by the curious gaze of onlookers. Saina reached into her pocket and bit into her peach again, pulling out another piece of fruit and offering it to Eva as they walked. [color=mediumslateblue]"Here... You must be hungry."[/color] Come to think of it, they hadn't even had a chance to eat last night before the boat was torn to shreds by the Kraken. Behind them, Mercury nuzzled his massive beak between Eva's shoulder blades. [color=mediumslateblue]"While we were in the temple, it seems that Alex and Naisha both ran into some trouble. Enough to land the two of them and Urick in the local jail. Gippal, Maximus, and Braska all went to deal with the situation. I went into the jails myself to see if I could get a word in on what happened, but I didn't get the chance to learn."[/color] Her report was spoken rather matter of factly before she took another bite of the peach in her hand, seemingly unaware that the fruit wasn't really ripe yet, or the fruit that she had offered Eva was in the same state for that matter.