[img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/149/6/2/girl_and_neko_render_by_akashi_tori-d670s0w.png[/img] [hider=Nova Terra][b]Name:[/b] Nova Terra [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Ability:[/b] Mana Manipulation [hider=Mana Manipulation] [b]Mana Manipulation:[/b] The ability to manipulate the blanket of sentient energy that surrounds living and non-living things that is used to form magic. [b]Magic:[/b] A key difference is that this form of magic (or at least magical rituals) relies much more on the use of verbal incantations, spell books, charms, and even celestial events (like a full moon or a solar eclipse) to achieve the desired effects. [b]Energy Control/Manipulation:[/b] Mana can be used in its raw form - as pure energy - to attack opponents and create energy constructs such as shields, steps, Healing and even bridges. [b]Dowsing:[/b] Tracking of organic life via their energy signature. [u][b]Limitations:[/b][/u] -May take time to control. -May require objects of magic such as spell books, charms, amulets, runes, etc. -The sentient energy may be able to overwhelm the user and take over them. Vicious cycle: the more energy she drains from around her, the stronger and more powerful she becomes. But the more power she gains, the greater the danger. Depending on how much she takes from something, the area gets infected (Blooming Green Flower = Dead flower) -Mana can drain the user and cause fatigue (Can go 80% increase before hitting the danger zone) -Mana is a power that one may need to study. -If they is no Mana around her, she can't use her power. [/hider] [b]Familiar:[/b] Shadow Cat named 'Amanojaku' (See Picture above) Amanojaku is apathetic, rude and unimpressed by seemingly everything. Talks only to Nova, Nova is the only one who can hear his voice. [b]How you could work in a team:[/b] Support/Scouting/Healing [b]Personality:[/b] Despite being naturally aggressive and a little cranky, Nova tries to maintain as positive as others, even if sometimes she doesn't succeed. She has a good sense of humor before losing her patience, which, indeed, is little. Nova tends to be violent when something goes wrong and, indeed, in many cases the violence is mainly her first choice to fix the problem. Nova has a good heart and, like her companions, is determined to do whatever it takes to help other people. It also appears she takes that more seriously then everyday affairs. [b]History:[/b] the daughter of a legendary alchemist, who had disappeared sometime after Nova's birth. Nova, since then, had led the life of a hermit, her only companion being a Spirit/Real in cat form named Amanojaku. [/hider]