[i][color=gray]"To die: to suffer the native hue of resolution devoutly to be wish'd. To be, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and enterprises of death, the proud man's contumely, there's the respect that flesh is heir currents turn awry, and scorns of great pith and their currents turn awry, and arrows of dispriz'd love, the thought, and scorns of office, and arrows of dispriz'd love, than fly to be: that patient merit of time, the heart-ache and sweat under a weary life, but that patient merit of the will,"[/color] A mad, high pitched laugh echoed throughout the closed attic as the old man, Pierre stared from the circular window, towards all of Chronos View, the glass pane opened, and the sight of the town obscured by the darkness of night. He looked towards one particular house, and he continued rambling, [color=gray]"Everythis brewing, andle is brewing, andle is good reason there is town of this good reason these days. Trouble the young'uns can hand I hope these days. Trouble thing is gone. It has flown. It has town of there is town of these days. Trouble is gone. It handle is good reason the fate, but the young'uns can hand that comes flying, andle is gone. I hope thing is good reason there is time would. Everythis town off, just as flown. I fear for us all. My power is good reason these days. Trouble the youn-"[/color] He stopped suddenly, and wandered out of the attic and meandered into his bedroom. He soon collapsed into his own bed, and loud snoring could be heard throughout the entire house. And thus ended yet another night of ramblings that could be heard echoing from his house throughout the entire town.[/i] [hr] Penny groaned as she blinked her eyes open to the rays of sunshine that shined through the window. She sat up and wandered downstairs. Her body still felt sore from yesterday, when they traveled to Chronos View and finally moved into this house. It was a long truck ride, and she had helped her parents move all of the heavy furniture and everything else into the house. She walked downstairs to the kitchen, where she was greeted by her parents and the sound of the news on the television. After greeting each other with a "Good Morning", Penny placed two pieces of bread into the toaster and poured herself a cup of coffee. "[color=orange]In Entertainment News today, Popular Singer and Songwriter Daniel 'Rocket' Jay has finally arrived to Chronos View this morning for his concert series in Chronos View just this morning! Now, Janet, I believe you're a big fan of him and his music as well?[/color]" "[color=yellow]That's right, John! There is hardly anyone in this nation who hasn't heard any of his songs. His songs of love and of space have captured many hearts, and I'm sure he is bound to capture more with this concert series...[/color]" Penny rolled her eyes as the news casters blabbered on about the singer, and after taking her toast out of the toaster, she ate her breakfast. Sure, Rocket's music were enjoyable and she could dance to them, but she didn't really pay attention to the singer as everyone else seemed to. As she continued eating her breakfast, her mind wandered to the town. She wondered if she was actually going to make some friends here, or if she was just going to be the odd girl out. She was a bit nervous to go outside today, but she tried to shake it off. As though her father had read her mind, he suggested "So, Penny! Why don't you explore Chronos View today? Your mother and I have to go for our first days on our new jobs. Hopefully you'll make some new friends," Penny nodded and answered quietly "[color=teal]Yeah, I'll do that,[/color]" She finished her breakfast, and threw on a shirt, jeans, sweatshirt, and sneakers, with headphones around her neck. After she was ready, she headed and out and called to her parents "[color=teal]See you at dinner![/color]" "See you later, honey!" "Have fun, and remember to make friends!" Penny walked down the sidewalk from her house and headed for where she thought the park may be. She also thought of maybe heading for the shopping center and see if she could see what kind of music stores, or book stores, they had. She looked around, soaking in the sights, sounds, and smells of Chronos View...her new hometown of sorts. [hr] During that same morning, Daniel, who had slept in his seat within the private jet, woke up to find that he was now in the small town he had never heard of: Chronos View. His jet landed in the small airport, and after ruffling his hair and waking himself up. He stood up, grabbed his bags, and after placing on his sunglasses, he stepped out of the door to his jet, and was greeted with...a smaller crowd of screaming fans than normal. There was a woman wearing a yellow dress, with a microphone in hand talking the camera...she was obviously a newscaster. Daniel flashed his pearly whites in a great big happy smile as he waved to the screaming fangirls of the crowd, and he called out happily "[color=magenta]HELLOOO CHRONOS VIEW!!![/color]" earning him more happy screams from the girls. He walked down the path set up by the metal bars that separated the fans from him. As he walked past, he greeted as many as he could and autographed some posters and CD cases. He continued this as he kept on walking to the limo that waited for him. "[color=magenta]Hey there! How ya doing? Looking good! Keep on reaching for the stars! See you at the concert![/color]" He hopped into the limo and it drove off to the hotel. He sighed as he looked out the window, while his manager nagged him about his behavior, and talked about the statistics and what Daniel should be writing his song about next. Daniel ignored his manager and just kept on staring out of the window, giving the occasional affirmative answer.