[center][h3][color=a187be][u][i]THE MOON[/i][/u][/color][/h3] [url=http://i61.tinypic.com/6scemd.jpg][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2i09n38.jpg[/IMG][/url][/center] There was a person sitting at a desk, head-in-hand, staring absently at the computer screen before them. This person could have been any person, any lifelong dreamer kicked to the curb by reality. It could have been you, or it could have been me. This person, in particular, was a young man, hopelessly trying to piece his dreams together. Between unfortunate chance, stinted obligations and wondering how he would pay that month's bills, he longingly waited for a chance to be happy, yet somehow knew that that chance would never come. He clicked off the screen, brought his hands up and rubbed his eyes, collapsing back against the old chair in which he sat. A brilliant light exploded in the room soundlessly. The man tiredly turned his head, not even comprehending the impossibility of such a thing. In the center of the room, a ball of strange, palpable, [i]thick[/i] light floated before him, gold in color, so radiant it dwarfed even the sun's beauty. [i]What the fuck?[/i] The young man shielded his eyes against the orb as he tried to understand it. [i]What is this thing? A ghost?[/i] He began to panic, nearly tripping in his effort to rise from his chair. [i]Some kind of bomb!? Am I going to die!?[/i] The man heard a chuckle, then. But it didn't seem like a sound. It seemed to be coming from [i]within[/i] him. [color=fff79a][center][i]You're fine, little light. You're not in danger.[/i][/center][/color] It was a woman's voice, coming from in his head. Was it the orb? "I..." the man began, before regaining his composure. The orb was calming, somehow, despite its impossibility. "I'm okay. Sorry. But...what are you?" [i]This is very obviously a dream.[/i] [color=fff79a][center][i]This is not a dream. If it's easier for you, you don't have to speak. I can read your thoughts.[/i][/center][/color] The man flushed. [i]Oh. Like, all of my thoughts?[/i] [color=fff79a][center][i]The important ones. Don't worry, I'm not judgemental. Anyway, what I am is a being, just like you, but from a different world.[/i][/center][/color] The man shook his head. [i]This is too strange,[/i] he thought. [i]It sounds like something in an anime.[/i] "Hey, why did you call me 'little light'?" The man asked. [color=fff79a][center][i]It's what I saw in your aura. A little light, but bright, and full of potential.[/i][/center][/color] "Oh. So, why are you here? Have we finally made contact with alien life?" [color=fff79a][center][i]Do I look like an alien to you? Don't answer that. I'm here because we need people like you to save our world.[/i][/center][/color] It was the man's turn to chuckle. "Oh, sweet. I've always wanted to do something like that. So what's the plan?" [color=fff79a][center][i]I guess, in terms you would understand...you have to pick a Class.[/i][/center][/color] The notions of his favorite kind of video games rushed into the man's head. "Like, a Class from an RPG? Is there a list? How does that even work?" [color=fff79a][center][i]No, there is no list. It can be anything you like. Our race's energy can be imprinted on to your race's bodies and manifest in different thoughtforms, which is why we're picking this world. But there are limits to our powers, so it needs to be balanced. Like...any good video game.[/i][/center][/color] The man nodded. "Right. Okay, cool." He turned inward, considering his own training, and his own personality. "Um, I pick Sundancer. Is that okay?" [color=fff79a][center][i]Sure. What's a Sundancer?[/i][/center][/color] "Lemme see...a really fast offensive class. It uses swords and Light magic." [color=fff79a][center][i]Speed, power and magic? I can't manage all that at once, it's too powerful.[/i][/center][/color] "Right. So maybe it needs sunlight to use abilities instead of MP, and its really weak without it." The orb seemed to think for a moment. [color=fff79a][center][i]Okay. I can do that. Are you ready to go?[/i][/center][/color] "Sweet! Where are we going?" [i]Even if this is a dream, I'm gonna enjoy it.[/i] [color=fff79a][center][i]We're going to the Moon.[/i][/center][/color] [hr] [center][b]CHARACTER SHEET[/b][/center] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Age[/b]: [b]Gender[/b]: [b]General Appearance[/b]: [i]Your character's general appearance. Hair, eyes, skin, build and height all go here.[/i] [b]Orb Color[/b]: [i]The color of your personal guardian.[/i] [b]Class[/b]: [i]Your character's Class. Include Class name and a brief overview of abilities.[/i] [b]Class Appearance[/b]: [i]The appearance your character takes on in the other world. Clothing, armor and other markings belong here.[/i] [b]Skills[/b]: [i]Class abilities. You start at Level 1, so please only include a couple minor abilities at most.[/i] [b]Cross Skills[/b]: [i]Skills activated with a partner or partners, either passive bonuses or activated abilities. Locked until discovered.[/i] [LOCKED] [b]Limit Break[/b]: [i]The ultimate technique your Class possesses, usable only under certain conditions. Locked until discovered. You may discover more than one with time.[/i] [LOCKED] [b]Inventory[/b]: [i]An interdimensional inventory harnessed by your guardian orb, can hold any manner of personal objects, though you will start with little.[/i]