The sweet sound of birds singing their summer ballads, the fresh air embracing the sun bringing a sense of happiness to the Earth, and the mind rattling snoring escaping from the lips of the young and sleepy headed Cho. "Cho!" a disgruntled man's voice called from outside the girl's sliding door. "Cho!" her father called again, pounding on the frame of the paper door with his stern fist. Despite it being the weekend, work still had to be completed at the Inokuma farm. Lulu, squirmed her little dog body wiggling it's way from out of the covers and giving Cho a slobbery lick right inside her gaping snore exploding mouth. With that, Cho was instantly awake. [i]"Ewww Lulu!"[/i] she exclaimed, making a face of disgust as she pushed the dog off her sleeping mat with a sense of playfulness. "Cho!" a final warning was yelled before her father walked away and began his own list of tasks that needed to be done. [i]"Phew, good call Lulu, wouldn't want papa to be mad at us on the weekend, then we wouldn't be able to go out!"[/i] she patted the dog on the head softly and began with her daily housework. There wouldn't be much farming during the weekend, but cooking and cleaning was an everyday task. After completing the basic chores Cho headed out towards town, looking for some fun.