[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/F94yS48.png[/img] [url=https://www.reverbnation.com/herculean/song/11515202-the-airship-sunset]Theme Song: The Airship Sunset[/url] [b]Name[/b] Ava Akulova [b]Appearance[/b] She stands at around 5'8 with a medium build. Not particularly muscular nor any outstanding features. The only real notable trait would be her gray eyes. [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Age[/b] 19 [b]Nationality[/b] American... sorta [b]Biography[/b] Born in the United States as a first generation American. Her mother and father were Russian immigrants who were trying to get away from their troubled families. From an early age, Ava loved aircraft and flying. All she ever wanted to do was play with toy airplanes, go to airshows, and ride in planes. As she got older, she immediately joined a Civil Air Patrol squadron nearby, and rose quickly in the ranks. There, even at the young age of 11, she got to fly her first plane. It was a small Cessna prop plane, but she was absolutely thrilled. She didn't care too much for the military aspect of it, but did enjoy the outdoor activities it provided her. Sadly, this dream of a life was quickly crushed. Her parents died horribly in a car accident as they were driving to pick her up from her CAP meeting. They met a slow, painful death in the hospital with Ava there to watch. She was moved to her Uncle's home in Tokyo, by now being seventeen years old. He was some sort of salesperson and was rarely home, hell, he wasn't even home to help her unpack, or even be at the funeral. Ava had simply become some sort of vague entity that existed there, rather than an actual niece living there in the eyes of her Uncle. For two years she endured, until she finally couldn't take any more of it. At the age of nineteen, after saving up some money and working till she dropped, she finally moved out. She wanted to get away from it all, head somewhere that wouldn't clog up her mind. Ava found herself moving into a small rental home in the Nakalla Village by the recommendation of a friend. Surprised by the low living costs, she took up the offer immediately. Thus, with a motorcycle as her only form of transporting what little she had, she begins to arrive at the small village. [b]Other:[/b] Ava may have one of the weirdest accents to date. Being a first generation American, its mainly a mix between a south-eastern American accent and a western Russian accent. Thus it makes it hard to speak clearly in Japanese, a language she is still struggling with anyway. So feel free to have your character react to that fact. Don't be a afraid to occasionally, out of the blue, be like "Erm... what did you say?" or something like that! XD Also, I left out some big chunks, like how she got the motorcycle, worked to gain the money to move, and her dreams of being a pilot. I would like to let that unfold in the RP itself if that's alright. [/center]