[center][img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/23roart.jpg[/img] [h2][color=7ea7d8]Katsu Hyƫga[/color][/h2] (Yes I am taking over for Anna until she returns)[/center] [hr] The first one to arrive was Giichi Uzumaki, a pretty outspoken boy to say the least, at least that's what Katsu would have observed after the events one week ago. He wasn't scared to get himself killed for what he believed in, but it could very well be because he was young and the blonde child would eventually mellow out of this phase. Katsu stayed hopeful to this kind of behavior however, the world needed more people like this, ready to stand up for what they believed and insure a better place for the future generations. As much as the Hyuuga appreciated Fujitora and the approval he gave, he couldn't hide the despair brought upon by the Choko from himself. He still had a hard time coping with it. Nonetheless, he'd smile at the boy for a brief moment before simply peering down at the frowning boy expressing his rather extreme views on how to deal with the problem he envisioned. Katsu didn't say a word, he didn't have anything to say about nor would it be wise to at this moment. With that small pause the Minamoru heir finally arrived as well, making the wait not as excruciating as he'd expect. His cigarette was already half finished and there was still one missing, however the historical and political charged conversation did keep things entertaining. Finally, Tatsuya arrived and things could finally get started. The Hyuuga gave them a moment to say hello and mess around, the time it would take for him to dispose of the cig before affirming himself. "[color=7ea7d8]You're all here, great. You've all read the briefing so I don't have to remind you the name of the artifacts I barely remember. I like to keep things simple and avoid any conflicting situations that way we can all go home and labor away another day. I do have one request before we depart.[/color]" He'd say as he'd turn around to face the masses of trees that still surrounded the now highly urbanized megalopolis, acknowledging the beauty that was the Hidden Leaf despite its drastic change in climate. He'd turn his head enough so that he could eye the lads at the corner of his eye. "[color=7ea7d8]We will not discuss anything involving Konoha's political orientation or the Choko issue during this operation. Understood?[/color]" With that established, he'd immediately jump away like the typical shinobi and took the path he had already selected to reach the client's meeting point as quick as possible. This kind of hastened and no bullshit method seemed to be what Fujitora rubbed off him, expecting others to have the cognitive capabilities to follow despite a lack of direct order. Katsu was afraid that something would explode regarding politics in Konoha, especially with the diversity of his team. Yamato was for this new system from what he could understand but the Hyuuga knew full well what Fujitora thought of that lineage. Giichi already marked himself as a potential noise maker and Tatsuya had origins that could even make the clansmen of Konoha nervous, no matter what position he'd take in this tension. "[color=7ea7d8]If you boys have an analysis of the method we should take, say it as we travel, I won't improvise when we arrive.[/color]" [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jV61b4n.gif[/img] [h2][color=gold][b]Gian - A New Best Friend[/b][/color][/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5408lamLklU]The Ruined Scenery[/url][/center] [hr] Gian tilted his head as he fully acknowledged Gin's dive into despair as he exposed his inner thoughts about his current predicament. Who could blame him, he was tortured and forgotten by the nation that he trusted. Then again, he had no idea where he himself was nor what actually happened to that place he called home. The irony was quite humorous for Gian, both sides unaware and equally brought to a level of apathy that could simply be avoid with a little information. But the flashy looking jester knew better, plus all of this was of course linked in some way, so it wouldn't be hard for someone of Gian's caliber to twist any interpretation of this into his favor. The melodrama of Gin's explanation made the man grin visibly enough for the wasted young man to see the jester's contempt. To the Keihatsu executive, this was good, Gin had indeed submitted himself to this mild torture with his background weighing as a major toll to his conscience. The man's tilted head would then have its neck crack as the he'd straighten himself slightly with the key still spinning on his index finger. Snickering at Gin's response, he'd then reply. "[color=gold]Ahaha~ Betrayal. My friend, as a shinobi, we all live this kind of stuff at varying degrees at one point or another, unless you're some guard duty chickenshit.[/color]" The jester stood and made his way around the strapped Gin, fiddling with the small key as he took his time to circle the boy before halting behind the white haired lad. The shadows made it extremely difficult to notice any movement, plus the omnipresent pressure applied by Gian's overwhelmingly strange presence accentuated even more the burning sensation on his open wounds. The peak of that pain would be when the man simply set his hand on the young man's shoulder, the pain and nausea becoming unbearably strong for something devoid of any strength or fortitude at this point. The jester squeezed the shoulder just a bit as if it were some form of massage gesture as he'd kneel down to insert the key in the shackles of Gin's feet. Slowly he turned the lock and the soothing release of the boy's ankles would sooth him from this endless pressure he was mercilessly subjected to. "[color=gold]But as they say ... It came with the territory. Now you may wonder why I'm releasing you when it's clear that wasn't the great thing we had in common. You see, I'm feeling generous, especially with the shit Monzaemon there put you through. See it as consolation.[/color]" By keeping the hand on the boy's shoulder, he'd lift himself back up so he could undo the chains on wrists as well, giving Gin the freedom he was robbed from for more than a week now. Gin was free to get up, walk around, fight, run away, or at least attempt. There were to chains to keep him still, but there was a massive presence that was Gian, an entity that he clearly knew was a colossus compared to him, whether he was in a good shape or not. Perhaps he would take advantage of Gian's good nature and make a quick run for it, he still had his chances. But the jester didn't seem to have a single worry regarding that. Quite the contrary, he'd slowly make his way back to his seat and make himself comfortable on it. "[color=gold]I guess I can tell you. You know this feeling when you make a very weird and ephemeral connection with someone because you can relate to their origins? Konoha guys finding other Konoha lads in some foreign land suddenly have some synergy most of the time? Yeah, you see my friend, that big ol' island, the land of Water, is a place I'm [i]very[/i] familiar with. I'm actually quite sad as to how it's turned. You think Konoha left you for no good reason? Wait until you see what rotten core Kiri has become. Never try to completely pacify a culture of barbarians, they'll just poison everything I say![/color]" He chuckled in the middle of his speech, not expecting Gin to be so rash as to attack or try to escape just yet. It was obviously a trap and it wouldn't be the wisest thing to do to suddenly get impatient after a week when the evidently biggest menace so happened to be in the same room. But he had an escape, for once, as slim as it seemed. Gian would just go on, Gin's actions having little incidence to his vision of things at this point. "[color=gold]So just that we're clear, you and me, buddy. Why was it that you were sent in such a near-suicide mission in that ugly castle in the first place? What did you do, Gin?[/color]" Gian knew most of the details already, especially when a lot of information was withheld from Gin, or most people for that matter concerning the current status of things and recent events. He wanted to know if Gin would let in to his inner frustrations and his mental stability would finally let go to Gian's will.