Gravius was surprised at the Lord captains willingness to hear the tarot, most humans at his station thought the tarot was am unreliable superstition. Well, at least some humans were smart enough to trust the portents of the Emperor himself. "The first card is really all you need to know the tone of the reading. I drew the emperor of mankind, inversed, I assume you know what that means. I drew also the knight inversed, the galaxy and the Daemon, the cards speak ill of future journeys, the malign influence of the warp, lies deceit and dishonor, great journeys and great violence and the presence of chaos. By my reading it most likely regards our journey into the unknown Lord Captain, I suggest we read lightly and take as few chances as possible in our venture beyond Imperium space." His piece said, Gravius closed his eyes, trying to meditate in the tiny shuttle. Trying to concentrate, Gravius moved his thoughts to the station below, it wouldn't be long now before they landed... but something was wrong. Although he could not gleam anything specific, he felt a massive sense of tension pulsing through the immaterium, originating from the station. He could feel suppressed violence ready to burst free, fear kept in check with hate, scatterings of other emotions reached him, it all pointed to one thing. The small group on the shuttle were flying into a real dangerous situation. Gravius opened his eyes, listening to anything the Lord captain had to say about his report of the tarot. Once the captain finished Gravius spoke again, "One more thing Lord captain, I fear the station may be... unstable at the moment. Emotion stirs deeply in the warp, and many ripples are radiating from the very station we are descending to... we may want to be ready for a fight." Gravius frowned deeply, he had no intention of dying on some abandoned backwater outpost. He felt the ship beginning to slow, they were almost arrived at outpost 57.